89 Prepositions of movement: up, down, etc.

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

89 Prepositions of movement: up, down, etc.

Quick reference

1 A driving instructor is telling his pupil what to do. Complete these sentences, using all the prepositions in the box just once.



away from



out of







Go (1) ... this corner. Good, that’s fine. Now drive slowly (2) ... this hill till you get to the bottom. OK, now stop. This is the main road. Look out for traffic coming (3) ... the right. Now I want you to go (4) ... this main road to the other side and then (5) ... the railway bridge. Fine, no problem. Now go (6) ... that cinema on the left (7) ... the traffic lights. Careful. The lights are red. OK. Now go (8) ... the tunnel in front of us and when we come (9) ... the tunnel I want you to drive (10) ... the hill to the church at the top. OK, here’s the church. Now turn right into that little side street, (11) ... the traffic. Good. Now go (12) ... that car park on the right. You can practise parking the car there.

2 Marcel Durand is French. Last week he went to London for the first time. Choose the correct preposition for each sentence.

3 Look at this map of part of southern England. Complete the sentences, using each of these prepositions once.


out of







1 The A338 goes ... Bournemouth ... Salisbury.

2 On the way it goes ... Ringwood.

3.......... if you want to go east to London, you come ... the A338 at Ringwood and get ... the A31.

4 If you’re travelling from the north, the A350 will take you ... the centre of Poole.

5 If you want to get ... Poole and go west, it’s best to take the A35.

6 On the A35 you don’t have to go through Lytchett Minster. A ringroad goes ... it.

4 Describe your journey to school or work using some of these prepositions: up, down, round, into, away from, out of, off, through, down to, from, along, towards, onto, past, across, under, over.

Example: I go out of the flat and down to the ground floor in the lift. I go across the street to the bus stop. The bus goes along the river and through the town centre. Etc.

Check your answers with a teacher.