93 When, as soon as, etc. in future sentences: When I get home, I’ll have a shower

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

93 When, as soon as, etc. in future sentences: When I get home, I’ll have a shower

Quick reference

• When we talk about the future, we use either a present tense or the present perfect after the link words when, as soon as, once, after, before, while, by the time, until (till). We don’t use the future will.

I'll ring you when I get there. (NOT when I’II get there)

As soon as it stops raining, we ’ll go out. (not as soon as it will stop raining)

I won't go to bed till you’ve come home. (not till you’ll have come home)

• It’s often possible to use either the simple present or the present perfect after when, as soon as, etc. without changing the meaning. (But in future sentences while can only be followed by the present simple or continuous.)

They’re going to live in Scotland after they get married or after they’ve got married.

She 'll get a job as soon as she leaves school or as soon as she’s left school.

• But when it’s important to make clear that one action will be finished before the second one starts, we must use the present perfect.

I’m not going to bed till I’ve listened to the news.

1 In a very bad romantic film, the ’hero’ makes the following promises to the girl he loves. Complete what he says, putting the verbs in the right tense.

1 I’II miss you desperately while I (be) ... away.

2 As soon as I (arrive) ... I’II ring you.

3 When I (return) ... I'II hold you in my arms.

4 We’ll get married as soon as your father (give) ... his permission.

5 I’II never leave you while there (be) ... breath in my body.

6 I'II love you till the day I (die) ...

2 Jerome Palmer, a 17-year-old student, is talking about his future plans. Read what he says and decide which answer, A, B, or C best fits each space.

I’m going to leave school as soon as I (1) ... 18. I’m hoping to go to university once I (2) ... my exams. But I’ll take a year out first. I’II get a temporary job once I (3) ... I’ve got a university place. I’II probably live in London while I (4) ... But I won’t stay there all year. I’II probably travel after I (5) ... enough money. I’ll go to the USA and, after I (6) ... a bit of the States, I’II go to Mexico. As soon as I (7) ... I’II get a job as an English language teacher. Then, when I (8) ... enough money, I’II come back to England.