96 Although, though, even though In spite of Because, since/as, so

Grammar Practice in Context - David Bolton, Noel Goodey 1997

96 Although, though, even though In spite of Because, since/as, so

Quick reference

Although, though, even though

• We use these link words to join two contrasting parts of a sentence.

Although it was raining, I went for a walk. (= it was raining, вuт I went for a walk.)

We can also say: / went for a walk although it was raining.

We can use though instead of although. He might come to the party, though I doubt it.

We use even though when the contrast is particularly strong.

She finished the race, even though she'd hurt her leg.

• We can use though (not although) at the end of a sentence.

It's a good hotel. It isn't the best, though (= But it isn’t the best.)

In spite of

• In spite of can be followed by a noun, a pronoun, or the -ing form of a verb.

I played tennis in spite of the cold weather. (= although the weather was cold)

In spite of having very little money, he was happy. (= although he had very little money)

They went swimming in spite of the weather being bad (= although the weather was bad)

Because, since, as

• We use these link words when we say why we do something or why something happens.

We normally use because to give the reason. The because clause usually comes last.

/ was late for work because I missed the bus.

We normally use since and as (which mean the same) when the reason is already known.

Since (or As) he'd forgotten his glasses, he couldn’t read the menu.


• We use so to talk about the result of an action or situation. I couldn’t sleep, so I got up.

1 Oliver Yates is planning a holiday, but there are problems. Look at these twelve sentences. Put them together in pairs, using the link word although.

He'd prefer to go with a blend.

He's planning to go to India next month.

He's going to sell his car.

He's read a lot of books about it.

He's hoping his mother will lend him some money.

His mother doesn't want him to go for so long.

She's recently lost her job.

He's quite happy to go on his own.

He wants to stay in India for six months.

He hasn't got enough money to go.

He won’t get much money for it.

He's never been to India before.

Example: He wants to stay in India for six months, although his mother doesn't want him to go for so long.

Now write five more sentences.

1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

4 ...

5 ...

2 Mandy Felix loves going sailing. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the words given.

Example: Mandy Felix often goes sailing, even though she can’t swim. (not being able)

Mandy Felix often goes sailing, in spite of not being able to swim.

1 She usually goes alone, even though her friends tell her she shouldn’t. (telling her)

She usually goes alone, ...

2 She went sailing yesterday, even though the weather was bad. (being)

She went sailing yesterday, ...

3 She went out, even though she didn’t have a life-jacket. (in spite of)

She went out, ...

3 The people in Jerry’s class like some things, but not others, and they do some things but not others. Write sentences, using a final though.

Example: Kate likes Art. (her Art teacher) She doesn't like her Art teacher, though.

1 Jerry’s very good at maths. (languages)

2 Lauren can’t sing. (a good actress)

3 Emily doesn't like History. (the History of Art)

4 Marcus plays the guitar well. (in a band)

5 Daniel’s very popular with all the girls. (a girlfriend)

4 Complete the dialogue, using because, so or since.

Anna: Why are you so late?

James: (1) ... I missed the bus, (2) ... I had to wait for another hour.

Anna: Why didn’t you phone me?

James: (3) ... I didn’t have any change in my pocket.

Anna: Why didn’t you ask someone to give you some?

James: (4) ... there was no-one around.

Anna: So, what did you do?

James: There was nothing I could do, (5) ... I just sat and read a book.

Anna: Did you talk to anyone?

James: No, (6) ... there was no-one around, I couldn’t talk to anyone could I?

Anna: Well, (7) ... you’re so late, there’s no point going to the cinema, (8) ... you might as well go home.

5 a) Write five sentences about yourself. Use although, even though or in spite of + -ing. Example: I was good at tennis, and, eventhough. I was only ten, I could beat my father.

b) Write three sentences, giving the reason why you did certain things. Use because or since. Example: / went to live in Valencia, because I was in love with a girl there.

c) Write three sentences, using so, to talk about the result of things you did.

Example: I failed my driving test, so I had to take it again.

Ask a teacher to check your sentences.