How much is / are…?

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

How much is / are…?

Use How much is / are ...? to ask for the price.

How much is this / that T-shirt? How much are these / those jeans?

1 Underline the correct word.

1 How much is I are the puppies?

2 How much is I are the orange?

3 How much is I are the guitar?

4 How much is / are the scissors?

5 How much is I are the umbrellas?

6 How much is I are the newspaper?

7 How much is I are the fishing rods?

8 How much is / are the pen?

2 Read the dialogue and complete with is or are.

Assistant Hello, what would you like to eat?

Claire How much 1are the cheese sandwiches?

Assistant They're £3.50.

Claire And how much 2... the cheese and tomato sandwiches?

Assistant They’re £3.50 too.

Claire How much 3... a ham sandwich?

Assistant A ham sandwich 4... £3.50. All the sandwiches 5... £3.50.

Claire What about the pizza? How much 6... a cheese pizza?

Assistant A cheese pizza 7... £3.50.

Claire How much 8... the ham pizzas?

Assistant They’re £3.50 too. All the pizzas 9… £3.50.

Claire OK. So how much 10 … the chicken soup?

Assistant The chicken soup 11... £3.50.

Claire And how much 12... the tomato soup?

Assistant £3.50. All the soups 13... £3.50.

Everything in the shop 14... £3.50. Look at the sign.

Claire Oh.

Assistant So what can I get you to eat?

Claire Nothing. I’m not hungry any more.

3 Follow the lines to find out the prices. Then write questions and answers.
