Articles a / an

Grammar Practice - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, Peter Lewis-Jones 2012

Articles a / an


The indefinite article in English is a / an.

Use an before a, e, i, o, u.

I've got a new laptop.

I've got an old laptop.

1 Underline the correct word.



2 Look at the picture and write what you can see.


3 Complete the text with a or an.

There’s 1 a zoo in our town. It’s great. It’s got lots of animals. There’s 2 ... hippo and 3 ... crocodile, 4... monkey and 5... old gorilla. There’s 6... elephant. It’s really big. There’s 7... orange snake from Africa. It’s 8... beautiful snake. There’s 9... camel and 10... lion and there’s 11... bear too. But it’s not only animals, there are birds too. There’s 12... owl and 13... pelican. There’s 14... insect house too. It’s got spiders and bugs in it. It’s 15... amazing zoo. I love it.