The past progressive - 4 The progressive tenses

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

The past progressive
4 The progressive tenses

The past progressive tense expresses an action that took place in the past but was in progress for a period of time or was incomplete.

Lauren was shopping all day. (In progress all day)

The boys were fighting over a toy. (In progress for A PERIOD of time)

Tim was studying but got tired and took a nap. (Incomplete)

They were driving home when they ran out of gas. (Incomplete)

It is quite common to add a when clause to statements that show an incomplete action or an action in progress that is interrupted.

She was crying when I arrived.

Mom was trying to rest when the phone rang.

We were just sitting down to supper when our neighbor knocked at the door.

Mary was practicing the piano when I dropped by.

Exercise 4.1 Complete each sentence with an appropriate when clause.

Example She was just getting out of bed when the doorbell rang.

1. I was leaning back in my chair when ... .

2. Were you standing on the corner when ...?

3. Aunt Doris was baking a cake when ... .

4. We were making up the bed in the spare room when ... .

Now, provide an appropriate progressive-tense clause to complete each sentence.

Example I was just opening my eyes when I heard Mom come in.

5. ... when the dog began to bark.

6. ... when the door slammed shut.

7. ... when I heard someone call my name.

8. ... when the road suddenly ended.

9. ... when a bee stung me.

10. ... when someone stole my purse.

It is possible to place a past progressive verb in a clause that begins with while in order to emphasize that the action was in progress when an interruption occurred.

While I was swimming in the pool, I felt sick.

My brother began to cry while I was trying to study.

While you were out jogging, someone broke into the house.

While he was standing at the bus stop, it started to snow.

A when clause and a while clause can be used with the same sentence elements.

While he was standing at the bus stop, it started to snow.

He was standing at the bus stop when it started to snow.

While Father was working in the basement, I fell and broke my arm.

Father was working in the basement when I fell and broke my arm.

The interruption of an action in progress can be another action in progress.

While I was trying to fall asleep in my apartment, the upstairs neighbor was making noise.

She was checking the test results while I was working in the lab.

Exercise 4.2 Change each sentence from a statement containing a when clause to a statement containing a while clause.

1. They were opening their Christmas gifts when the Christmas tree fell over.

2. Tom was swimming in the pool when his little brother fell in the water.

3. She was speaking with the letter carrier when a taxi pulled up in front of the house.

4. Ms. Howard was lecturing her class when her cell phone rang.

5. The boys were playing checkers on the floor when the cat jumped into the middle of their game.