Using do in negative sentences - 8 The auxiliary verb do

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Using do in negative sentences
8 The auxiliary verb do

There are affirmative sentences (The moon is white.), and there are negative sentences (The moon is not white.). The word not is used to express negation. Except for the verb be and auxiliaries, verbs require a form of the auxiliary do to make a negative statement.

He is not at home at the moment.

You must not play ball in the street.


They do not speak a word of Spanish.

The students did not have enough time for the exam.

Negative verb phrases are generally formed as follows.


It is common to combine do, does, and did with not to form a contraction.

I don’t go there.

He doesn’t go there.

James didn’t go there.

There are other negative adverbs in addition to not: rarely, never, seldom, scarcely (ever), hardly (ever), and barely (ever).

You should avoid using double negatives. Whereas writing “I do not have any money” is grammatically correct, writing (or even saying) “I do not have no money” is confusing and grammatically incorrect, because it contains two negatives in the same clause (do not + no). A clause should contain only one negative (do not or no).

Exercise 8.2 Make each sentence negative by using not ... any.

Example They have many financial debts.

They do not have any financial debts.

1. I own black-and-white movies.

2. I have problems with my computer.

3. We have time to waste.

4. I saw a person I know.

5. I need help with my homework.

6. I trust some of you.

7. I trust someone.

Exercise 8.3 For each sentence, write a yes/no question, then change it to a negative question.

Retain the tense of the original sentence.

Example Tom works in New York.

Does Tom work in New York?

Doesn’t Tom work in New York?

1. The girls need some help.

2. She has a job in a bakery.

3. Bob saw somebody in the shadows.

4. I like hot tea.

Exercise 8.4 For each sentence, determine whether the form of do is used as a verb or as an auxiliary verb.

Examples I do not like eating strawberries. auxiliary verb

Marie did her homework over. verb

1. They are doing their exercises.

2. He does not like the countryside.

3. She does nothing all day.

4. Did you finish your dinner?

5. I am doing what I was asked to do.

6. Did she make it on time?