Expressions of quantity - 14 Subject-verb agreement

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Expressions of quantity
14 Subject-verb agreement

For many expressions of quantity, the verb form is determined by the noun or pronoun that follows the word of. If the phrase some of or most of is followed by a singular noun or pronoun, the verb form is singular.

Some of the icing is runny.

Most of the equipment was sold.

But if these phrases—as well as many of—are followed by a plural noun, the verb form is plural.

Some of the movies are good.

Most of these people were in need of help.

Many of these people are my friends.

This concept applies to many other expressions of quantity.

One third of this land is mine.

Two thirds of the diamonds are mine.

A number of people miss the bus.

If the number is used instead of a number in such an expression, the verb form is singular, because a specific number is being referred to.

The number of people on the bus is 52. (52 is the number of people.)

The number of people at the bar is 22. (22 is the number of people.)

Similarly, expressions with one of, each of, and every one of take a singular verb form.

One of my parents is about to get here.

Each one of my children is here.

Every one of my cousins is here.

In very formal English, subjects with none of are singular, but it is common to hear none of used with a plural verb in casual speech.


Exercise 14.4 Underline the appropriate verb form in each sentence.

1. Every one of the soldiers is | are required to pass the obstacle test.

2. Each girl on the team has | have her own tennis racket.

3. One of my best friends is | are suffering from migraines.

4. A lot of shoes on those racks is | are on sale tomorrow.

5. A lot of women in the class is | are active feminists.

6. Half of this strawberry cake belongs | belong to you.

7. Half of the students in this course is | are from Belgium.

8. Some of the kiwis I bought is | are really sweet.

9. Some of the fruit I forgot in my car trunk is | are rotting.

10. Every one of the parts is | are closely examined for quality control.

11. None of the monkeys at the zoo is | are free to run away. All of them is are locked in small cages.

12. A number of firefighters is | are off duty today.

13. The number of paintings at the museum is | are 278.

14. One of the key elements in conflict resolution and peace is | are honesty.

15. Does | Do all the children have to take the test?

16. Does | Do all of his clothes have to be packed by tomorrow?

17. Why was | were some of the parents pulled aside?

18. Why was | were the student brought in?

19. Does | Do any of the workers know where the restaurant is?

20. What part of the human body is | are most vulnerable?

21. What percentage of the North American population is | are literate?

The expressions there is and there are are singular and plural, respectively. The noun or pronoun that follows such an expression determines whether the verb is singular or plural.

There is a man standing in the parkway.

There are men standing in the parkway.

There is someone I want you to meet.

Exercise 14.5 Underline the appropriate verb form in each sentence.

1. There is | are hundreds of types of tea in China.

2. There is | are a mosquito in my tent!

3. There is | are many ways to get downtown.

4. There isn’t | aren’t a message for you.

5. There is | are a report on the incident.

6. There isn’t | aren’t laws against free speech.

7. How many kinds of frogs is | are there in South America?

8. Why isn’t | aren’t there a public school in town?

9. There is | are a ruler in my bag.

10. There is | are some erasers and highlighters in my drawer.