Indefinite pronouns - 15 Agreement with nouns

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Indefinite pronouns
15 Agreement with nouns

In formal English, a singular personal pronoun or possessive adjective is used to refer to an indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns are those that do not refer to a specific person, for example, anybody, somebody, and everyone.

Somebody left his/her keys on the counter.

Everyone has his/her own way of doing things.

In informal English, a plural personal pronoun is often used to refer to an indefinite pronoun.

Somebody left their keys on the counter.

Everyone has their own way of doing things.

Following is a list of the most common indefinite pronouns.








no one





Exercise 15.5 Underline the verb form that correctly completes each sentence.

1. Something was | were making scary noises up in the attic.

2. The police spoke to each person who was | were at the crime scene.

3. Almost every student who studies | study at the library gets more work done.

4. Nobody from the crime scene wants | want to answer the policewoman’s questions.

5. Someone is | are responsible for this error.

6. Almost everybody in my office drinks | drink coffee in the morning.

Exercise 15.6 Fill in the blank with an appropriate pronoun or possessive adjective. )f a choice of verbs is provided, write in the correct one. More than one correct answer may be possible.

Example When an artist wants to paint, she should try to find inspiration.

1. Anyone can learn how to play guitar if ... (wants want) to.

2. Doctors diagnose patients, but ... (is | are) not allowed to operate on you if they are not trained.

3. Each player on our soccer team has to spend three hours a day lifting weights, a process during which ... (builds | build) stamina following the directions of ... trainer.

4. A politician has two primary responsibilities. should respect the popular vote, and ... should avoid war at all costs.

5. If Alex wants to read, ... should try to find a quiet place.

6. Someone forgot ... jacket. I wonder who it belongs to.

7. Everyone who came to the party brought ... own drink.

8. I wonder whose book this is. I should look inside the front cover to check if ... wrote ... name or phone number.

9. A dog can do cool tricks if ... (is | are) taken care of and properly trained.

10. John’s hamster is called Wooblee Beeboo. ... (is | are) very noisy. ... recognizes John only if ... notices that John has food in ... hand.