Modifiers - 1 The sentence

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

1 The sentence

There are many types of sentence modifiers. Among the most important are adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.

Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns.

That striped snake is poisonous.

Our new neighbor is a professional basketball player.

He is old.

Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

She seldom wrote after she moved away.

The severely wounded man was taken to the hospital.

The witness spoke very nervously about the robbery.

Prepositional phrases can modify nouns or verbs.

The man in the garden is a police officer.

For many years they lived in Mexico.

Exercise 1.4 Complete each sentence with an appropriate modifier: adjective, adverb, or prepositional phrase.

Example They stayed up and chatted until dawn.

1. ... he headed for home on foot.

2. Do you recognize the ... man on the corner?

3. She ... speaks to me anymore.

4. ... I was at Macy’s hoping to buy a dress.

5. He took her advice very ... .

6. ..., we ... go skiing in Colorado.

7. Your ... brother plays the piano ... .

8. Please speak ... . I’m trying to nap.

9. Yesterday, I saw a ... accident ... .

10. My sister is a ... competent lawyer.