Distinguishing gerunds from present participles - 17 Gerunds

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Distinguishing gerunds from present participles
17 Gerunds

Gerunds are verb forms that function as nouns. They are formed by adding the suffix -ing to the base form of the verb: talking, running, building, developing, and so on.

Gerunds can function as subjects or objects.


Working has never been John’s strong point.

Swimming is really great exercise.


I enjoy working at the plant, but I prefer gardening.

She always liked knitting and has made a good business out of it.

Exercise 17.1 Complete each sentence with an appropriate gerund.

Examples I don’t care for boating.

I don’t care for dancing.

1. My sister never liked ... .

My sister never liked ... .

My sister never liked ... .

My sister never liked ... .

2. The boys were interested in ... .

The boys were interested in ... .

The boys were interested in ... .

The boys were interested in ... .

Distinguishing gerunds from present participles

Although gerunds look like present participles, they function in a different way. Present participles are typically part of a progressive verb phrase and follow the auxiliary verb be. Gerunds are only used as nouns.


She was cooking and cleaning all day long. (past progressIVe)

Tom and Marie have been jogging for over an hour. (present perfect progressive)


Jogging is always healthy. (subject)

Dad had to do the cooking and cleaning by himself. (direct object)