Conjunctions and their meaning - 18 Conjunctions

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Conjunctions and their meaning
18 Conjunctions

But and yet indicate a contrast between the elements they connect.

His knee was hurting, but he finished the race anyway.

The grape juice was bitter yet hydrating.

Or indicates a choice or offers alternatives between the elements it connects.

On Sunday, we will go to the lake or to the river.

He wants a new bicycle or some roller skates for Christmas.

Nor typically connects negative statements. Note that if an independent clause follows nor, its subject and verb are inverted.

They did not fix my camera, nor did they fix my lens.

She did not tell us where she was traveling to, nor did she tell us how long she would be gone.

The conjunction for is generally synonymous with because. So has a meaning similar to therefore. For and so can also express a cause-and-effect relationship.

She could not think clearly, for her heart was so full of anger.

They could not find the car keys, so they broke the window to get in.

Exercise 18.1 Fill in the blank with an appropriate word or words. Then, combine each group of sentences into one sentence, using a coordinating conjunction. Use appropriate punctuation.

Example The concert was crowded. The concert was loud. The concert was fun.

The concert was crowded, loud, and fun.

1. The car was small. The car was dirty. The car was ... .

2. The country lane was narrow. The country lane was long. The country lane was ... .

3. I dislike living downtown because of the noise. I dislike living downtown because of the crime. I dislike living downtown because of the ... .

4. The Dominican Republic has ... . The Dominican Republic has palm trees. The Dominican Republic has pretty beaches. The Dominican Republic has tropical birds.

5. I like to become acquainted with people from other countries. ) like to become acquainted with customs from other countries. I like to become acquainted with ... from other countries.

Exercise 18.2 Combine each group of sentences into one sentence, using a coordinating conjunction. Remember that using a coordinating conjunction allows you to omit repeated words.

Example Peter is staying home. Peter is sleeping.

Peter is staying home and sleeping.

1. Susan washed the dishes. Susan put the food away.

2. Peter opened the door. Peter greeted the guests.

3. Ralph is painting the garage door. Ralph is cleaning the brushes.

4. Simon is generous. Simon is handsome. Simon is intelligent.

5. Please try to make less noise. Please try to have some respect for others.

6. She gave him chocolates on Monday. She gave him a CD on Tuesday. She gave him a bracelet on Wednesday.

7. While we were in Los Angeles, we went to a concert. While we were in Los Angeles, we ate Mexican food. While we were in Los Angeles, we visited old friends.

8. I should have finished my project. I should have cleaned my car.

9. He preferred to play poker. Sometimes he preferred to spend time in museums.

10. I like water. I don’t like soda.

Exercise 18.3 Complete each sentence with the appropriate coordinating conjunction.

1. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote theatrical plays ... literary essays.

2. The water levels were rising, ... we had to climb on top of the roof.

3. She is beautiful, ... her personality is cold.

4. You must wear a jacket in Boston in the winter, ... you will catch a cold.

5. They asked us to come in, ... we said no.

6. John did not have money, ... did Barbara.

7. Patrick ... Rebecca were standing in the living room.

8. She went downstairs ... opened the door.