Capitalization - 24 Capitalization, numbers, and italics

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

24 Capitalization, numbers, and italics

The first word of a sentence is always capitalized.

John hurried to the drugstore.

She always traveled with too much luggage.

Have you spent a lot of time abroad?

Sometimes, I wish I were a rock star.

Wealthy people are not always intelligent people.

Proper nouns are always capitalized. )f the proper noun is the name of a nation, the corresponding nouns referring to the nation’s people and language are also capitalized.


Joanna, Laurie, Paul, Sebastian, Tyler Johnson


Civil, military, religious, and professional titles, even when abbreviated, are capitalized when followed by a person’s name.

Pope Benedict XVI

President Bill Clinton

Professor Gibbons

Rabbi Dahan

Dr. Joanna Hughes

Ms. Gloria Graham

Rev. Lewis

Sir Winston Churchill

When a person is addressed by his or her professional title, the title is capitalized.

We beg you, General, to take our opinion into consideration.

Madam President, I’d like to know what your budget proposal is.

The pronoun I is always capitalized. This is also true of the interjection O.

Yesterday, I saw Megan in her wedding dress, and O, what a sight she was!

Geographical names are capitalized.

the Allegheny Mountains

the Champs-Elysees

the Danube

El Rastro


the Mediterranean Sea

the Mississippi River

North Korea

the Pacific Ocean

the Sahara Desert

the Tai Po River

the Twin Cities

Washington, D.C.

Religions, holy books, believers (as a group), holy days, and terms that refer to deities are capitalized.

Hinduism, Hindu, Brahman, Shiva

Islam, Koran, Muslim, Ramadan, Allah

Christianity, the Bible, Christian, Christmas, God

Names of organizations, institutions, government agencies, companies, as well as their abbreviations, acronyms, and shorter versions of their names, are capitalized.

the ACLU

Alpha Delta Kappa

Boy Scouts of America

the Red Cross

the FCC




the Rand Corp.

the Yanks

Days of the week, months of the year, and holidays are capitalized. The seasons, however, are not usually capitalized.





Veterans Day




Historical documents, events, periods, and cultural movements are capitalized.

Declaration of Independence

Magna Carta

World War II

the Renaissance


However, ideologies and related terms not used as part of a proper-noun phrase are not capitalized.

Ideologies democracy, democrat, democratic; communism, communist

Proper nouns German Democratic Republic, Communist China

Names of trademarked merchandise are capitalized.










Words derived from proper names are capitalized.




The titles of poems, songs, movies, books, plays, and essays are capitalized. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions are not capitalized, unless they are the first word of the title. Prepositions are capitalized if they are the last word of the title.

“The Second Coming”

“Take the ’A’ Train”

The Motorcycle Diaries

The Grapes of Wrath

Love’s Labour’s Lost

“How the Palestinian-Jewish Conflict Began”

The first word in quoted material is usually capitalized.

She turned around and screamed, “Is there anybody out there!”

A timid voice asked, “Is there more food, sir?”

The names of heavenly bodies, including the planets, are capitalized, but the words earth, moon, and sun are not.

Andromeda Galaxy

Milky Way



The earth was parched and cracked; the drought had done its work.

The earth is the third planet from the sun.

General compass directions are not capitalized unless they refer to specific geographical locations.

Lyon is south of Paris.

They walked in an easterly direction.

The red team represents the West.

They came from the South.

They came from the Southern states.

The names of man-made objects, such as bridges, planes, spacecraft, ships, roads, monuments, and buildings, are capitalized.

the Brooklyn Bridge

the Spirit of St. Louis

Apollo 13

the Santa Mana

Interstate 35

the Lincoln Memorial

the Museum of Natural Science

the Sears Tower

Exercise 24.1 Rewrite each sentence, using correct capitalization.

1. teresa malcolm is president of the ford rotary club.

2. in three weeks, we will be traveling through france, Switzerland, and spain.

3. the night sky was so clear we could see the entire moon, venus, and jupiter.

4. as soon as he got home, patrick felt like putting on his new adidas swimsuit.

5. the second world war lasted nearly six years.

6. the novel we bought at the airport was the da vinci code.

7. i visited the empire state building when i was in new york.

8. thelma and john saw the launch of the uss enterprise.

9. the naacp is a prominent organization based in the united states.

10. they told her, “we don’t like the proposal you’ve written.”

Exercise 24.2 Rewrite each sentence, using correct capitalization.

1. marilyn is the president of the ladies of grace at her church.

2. some restaurants in los angeles serve americanized european food.

3. members of all faiths gathered on campus to protest, including christians, jews, muslims, and hindus.

4. “the red wheelbarrow” by william carlos williams is one of the most profound poems i’ve read.

5. they came from the eastern states in search of gold.

6. we read of mice and men last week for class.

7. the cia agent said he often works with fbi investigators, as well as with representatives of the faa.

8. a speaker from the national transportation safety board gave a presentation on the most common accidents that took place on interstate 66.