Appendix Review exercises

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Appendix Review exercises

Exercise A.1 Underline the entire auxiliary verb in each sentence.

1. We have to go grocery shopping.

2. We has to be able to run five miles in less than half an hour.

3. He is able to speak Persian.

4. He should be working a lot harder if he wishes to pass the exam.

5. I had better see a dermatologist.

6. She is my friend, so I am going to have to tell her.

7. I am going to write a novel based on our family.

8. I had better be able to pass this driving test.

Exercise A.2 Complete each sentence with the appropriate tense of the verb in parentheses.

1. Adrian: Hi, Loretta. ... (you + meet) my close friend


Loretta: No, I don’t believe I ... (ever + have) the

pleasure of making his acquaintance.

Adrian: Well, let me introduce you!

2. BETH: Wait! What ... (you + do)?

Adrian: I ... (try) to pull out whatever ... (jam) the blender.

Beth: You really should not ... (put) your hand in there

while it’s still plugged in. You ... (probably + hurt)


3. ADRIAN: There’s Loretta.

Beth: Where?

Adrian: She ... (sit) on that bench in the shade.

BETh: Oh yes, I ... (see) her now. She ... (certainly + look) focused. Let’s go bother her anyway.

4. KERRY: What ... (be) wrong with Adrian?

BETh: While he ... (run), his shoelaces ... (come) untied and he ... (fall).

KERRY: I ... (not + believe) it! ... (be) you serious?

BETh: Yes. I’m not kidding you. I wish I ... (be), but I’m not.

KERRY: Poor Adrian, he ... (seem) to ... (suffer) quite a bit too.

5. Paul: ... (you + take) an Economics component this semester?

Patricia: No, I ... (not + be).

Paul: ... (you + ever + take) it?

PATRICIA: Yes, I ... (have).

PAUL: When ... (you + take) it?

PATRICIA: In 2006.

Paul: Who ... (teach) the class back then?

Patricia: Dr. Bumshelgell.

Paul: I ... (take) his class next semester. ... (be) he a good professor?

PATRICIA: When I ... (take) the class, he ... (be) very pleasant to work with. His class ... (be) very difficult to pass, but it’s well worth it.

6. DANIEL: I ... (spend) some time in Prague last month. I ... (never + be) there before.

Jesse: What ... (you + do) while you were there?

DANIEL: My girlfriend and I ... (drive) around, randomly stopping in places we ... (think) looked interesting.

7. The weather ... (be) terrible lately. It ... (rain) off and on for a whole week, and for two days the temperature ... (drop) below ten degrees. It ... (be) in the low 40s right now. Just yesterday, the sun ... (shine) and the weather was as pleasant as can be. It almost seems like the weather ... (change) all the time, and one never ... (know) what to expect. At this point, I ... (be) ready for anything. When I wake up tomorrow morning, maybe everything ... (freeze).

8. Brian: I ... (go) to a concert last night.

GREGORY: ... (it + be) any fun?

BRIAN: I ... (not + do) think so, but Patricia ... (enjoy) it quite a bit.

GREGORY: Who ... (you + see)?

BRIAN: Postal Service. I ... (never + see) them perform live before.

GREGORY: Oh! I ... (see) them in concert, too. I ... (go) to their concert when they were on tour a couple of years ago. I ... (think) it ... (be) a great show!

BRIAN: Well, I ... (not + think) so.

Exercise A.3 Underline the entire auxiliary verb in each sentence.

1. It’s the end of spring break, so Peter is going back to school next week.

2. We should open the window.

3. Allison is going to Austin next weekend.

4. We don’t have to paint all the kitchen walls tonight.

5. Are we supposed to get there before nightfall?

6. Josh should have to pay for all the groceries.

7. Patricia is going to open a vintage record store next month.

8. Since last week, I have been running every morning.

9. Bureaucrats should be able to stay polite at all times.

10. He has been playing the drums all morning.

Exercise A.4 In each sentence, the verb phrase contains a grammatical error or has an element missing. Rewrite the sentence correctly. There may be more than one correct answer.

Example Mike has visit Philadelphia twice this past month.

Mike has visited Philadelphia twice this past month.

1. Kenji been studying Portuguese.

2. Juan has live in Madrid for two years.

3. He has to came back to meet us here.

4. My father, Raoul, who studied Mathematics with my uncle, looking for a job.

5. After work, Anjali will going to the pub.

6. Last week, Mark was able to visited the president’s office.

7. The soil is dry. They will not are able to plant vegetables there.

8. He doesn’t likes his neighbors, because they’re too noisy.

9. They didn’t had any problems with the rental car.

10. I have been learned a lot since I began doing my exercises.

11. Are you think of buying another car soon?

12. She was visited many monuments when she was in Rome.

13. I didn’t saw a single beautiful sunset.

14. He couldn’t forgot her after the love affair.

15. He always attempting to catch the students cheating.

16. Sometimes when I cross the street, I don’t looked to see if a car is coming.

17. I’ve thinking about it for a long time now.

18. I feel my English grammar might improving.

19. Mrs. Gilmore was sad, because her son had to went back to the front lines.

20. All my friends can helps me become a better person.

Exercise A.5 Each sentence may have a noun or pronoun with an error in number. Write the corrected word in the blank. If the sentence is correct, mark an X in the blank.

1. Some of us wanted to be talented musicians, and others wanted to be famous painter.

2. Good professors like graduate students to be outspoken in their class.

3. Each person should make up his or her own mind.

4. The 50 states of the United States all have their own law.

5. When he was elected, the president did what he had promised: He gave more power to the syndicates and more power to the worker themselves.

6. Talented people who come to Europe to study should then return to their countries to help improve their society.

7. I like to travel, because it helps me understand the custom of other countries.

Exercise A.6 Complete each sentence, supplying the missing auxiliary verb form.

1. Sherlock will ... meeting with his associate soon to discuss his theory.

2. Watson knew that he should ... looking harder for clues.

3. The murderer could ... tried to keep his prints off the doorknob.

4. They ... captured the murderer by April 6.

5. He could not understand how the police might ... found out where he lived.

6. Inspector Pretz pushed Jack into the prison cell, because he ... not want to take any risks.

7. Now when I see Watson, I just tell him, “You are a genius!” because he could ... found a way to solve the mystery.

8. When Sherlock Holmes working ... on a case, he tries to use every little bit of information he can get his hands on.

Exercise A.7 Each item should be a complete, grammatical sentence. If it is, mark an X in the blank. If it contains an error, describe the error, and then write a correct, grammatical sentence based on the item.

1. Teaching math to smart students.

2. Listen!

3. If you want to observe what is taking place.

4. Last week, she began writing her new book.

5. The European Union.

6. I already ran three miles

7. before I walked in, I rang the bell, hoping someone would open the door.

8. Many different photographs in that dusty, black book.

9. Has many children.

10. Open the garage before you leave.

11. The Panama Canal can be a dangerous zone.

12. Writing complete sentences is easy.

13. If your friend is a lawyer, doesn’t have to worry about finding a job.

14. Madrid it is the capital of Spain.

15. Also, he very smart, quiet, and polite.

Exercise A.8 Each item should be a complete, grammatical sentence. If it is, mark an X in the blank. If it is not, write one or more correct sentences based on the item.

Example To cook that much rice. She’ll need more water.

To cook that much rice, she’ll need more water.

1. When I was younger. I thought the earth was flat.

2. My ambition is to become a pilot.

3. My favorite color was red. Because it reminded me of my sister.

4. He hates horror movies. Because he gets scared immediately.

5. Now I realize that dreaming is not enough.

6. She is back it’s the end of spring semester at UCLA.

7. To paint this wall. You need a special brush.

8. Elvis is over there. With Tupac and Biggie and they look happy.

9. You will get a free subscription in addition you will receive a free towel. A matching bathrobe, a sticker, and a silver pen.

10. Once you have done all your stretching. Run for two miles or so.

11. As soon as you get there, make sure you take a right.

12. When the water is boiling. Put the pasta in the pot.

13. After the sun comes up can begin hiking up the mountain.

Exercise A.9 Complete each sentence with an appropriate form of the verb in parentheses.

Example I hope that Catherine drives (drive) carefully, because the roads are slippery.

1. I recommend that Pablo ... (promote) to a managerial position.

2. We demand that you ... (give) us the location of the treasure.

3. She requested that we not ... (knock) on her door after midnight.

4. Mrs. Taylor insists that he ... (be) careful with his new watch.

5. It was such a sunny day outside that my mom suggested we ... (have) lunch in the park.

6. It is essential that hate crimes ... (study) and eventually (stop).

7. I request that I ... (allow) to leave the room.

8. The students recommended that the finals ...(postpone) until the end of summer.

9. The plastic surgeon requested that he ... (remain) in his house until the infection has healed.

10. He insisted that the puppy ... (name) after his dead cat.

11. Their coach recommended that they ... (take) a week off.

12. I suggest that all citizens ... (write) a letter to the president.

13. It is crucial that I ... (meet) with you tomorrow.

14. It is essential that he ... (talk) to the professor about his assignment.

15. It is necessary that all of you ... (join) him at five o’clock sharp.

16. The theater director insisted that his stage ... (be) perfect.

17. It is very important that no one ... (admit) backstage without a pass.

18. It is essential that they ... (not + be) late to their meeting.

19. It is essential that he ... (return) home immediately.

20. She specifically asked that I ... (not + tell) anyone about the treasure.

Exercise A.10 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the error in subject-verb agreement.

1. The private and public sectors in Africa needs to work closely together.

2. It is undeniable that armed conflict make things worse.

3. They sit on the bench and feel that the judge condemn them for no apparent reason.

4. Many families in this area who doesn’t own houses feels that they should get interest-free loans.

Exercise A.11 Complete each passive sentence with the correct form of one of the verbs listed below.


Example An island ... is surrounded by water.

1. A necklace ... around your neck.

2. The telephone ... by the American scientist Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Is sitting really ... with a double t?

4. Even though it took almost 20 years, the bridge ... by next month.

5. I doubt the train will be coming in late. The monitor announced that it ... to arrive on time.

6. I still can’t understand the math problem. Yesterday in class, I ... by the professor’s explanation.

7. The children ... in the middle of the night, because a squirrel managed to get inside their tent. They thought it was a monster.

8. Last week, she ... a job at a local record store, but she had already decided to work as a waitress.

9. In spite of his knee injury, he ... to play in the championship game.

10. The plane crash ... in the newspapers last week.

11. They read about the hunter who ... by the wild animal.

12. He enlisted in the army, but he ... to return home because of a back injury.

13. Nathalie’s house burned down. The fire ... by lightning.

14. The team is too big, so it ... into two smaller teams.

Exercise A.12 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s), if any. If the sentence is correct, mark an X in the blank.

1. When we get older, you can do a lot of thing.

2. Pedro ate a few piece of cheese with his enchilada.

3. He read some book at the public library before they closed.

4. Last year, I gave him Star Wars and Indiana Jones for Christmas, but I don’t know if he ever watched those movie.

5. There are too many person in this car.

6. My little sister is only three year old, but she seems older.

7. We had not been to Portugal in six year.

8. He is an intelligent and gifted 30-year-old actor.

9. If you want to form your own opinion, you should read many news articles and watch many kind of documentaries.

10. In addition to the art gallery, there are a lot of beautiful place to visit.

Exercise A.13 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s).

1. She will going to Dallas to visit her brother.

2. Patrick has know me since I was six years old.

3. He been living in Lisbon for years but we still keeping in touch via e-mail.

4. When I get to Peter’s house, he will have to opens the front door.

5. I soon noticed that Paul didn’t drove very well. Among other things, he didn’t respected the speed limit on the highways.

6. Paul knows that he should taking driving classes.

7. If he were move back home he could helped his mom more, and he could to take care of her on a daily basis.

8. Vanessa should to do her shopping at Trader Joe’s.

9. I taking the GRE next month and I am quite nervous.

Exercise A.14 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s), if any. If the sentence is correct, mark an X in the blank.

1. In terms of transportation, cars are a basic parts of modern life.

2. The automobile have made it possible for people to travel many mile from their home.

3. Research has made great progress in the field of microbiology.

4. Students study more than they used to, and learn about more thing than they used to.

5. Life expectancy is much greater than it was a hundred year ago.

Exercise A.15 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s), if any. If the sentence is correct, mark an X in the blank.

1. The ten districts in this city has decided to build more modern-looking buildings.

2. Some cities in Argentina surprise tourists with its architecture.

3. Often, the term “third-world country” make people think of crime and poverty.

4. Technology has been crucial in modern society.

5. The graduate courses are very difficult; you feel like everyone else understand and you don’t.

6. Study a lot, and you will get many of the answer right.

7. If a student don’t understand the answer to his or her question, he or she should feels comfortable enough to ask again.

8. All students have to take the two part of the exam.

9. These drill cannot prove the ability of the nurses, because the nurses simply executes certain emergency procedures.

10. There are two kind of people in this company: honest persons and greedy persons.

11. There are many problem at my office, but one problem is the lack of motivation.

12. Any person whose parents are seriously sick worry about their health.

13. You can find many kind of people working in our offices.

14. Italian ice cream are so delicious. I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.

15. When I first came to this hotel, I didn’t like the food, but now I like them very much.

16. That was the first time I bought my own furniture. I enjoyed picking them out, and ) felt like an adult.

17. The people who shares my apartment are friendly, but they’re messy.

18. There are six freshly planted tree on my street.

19. If you drive when you’re too tired, he might cause an accident.

20. I left my wallet and my keys on the counter. When I came back, I couldn’t find it anymore.

21. Everyone want to be successful and be in good healths.

22. Count the money again before you put them in the envelope.

23. Every people should help improve their neighborhood.

Exercise A.16 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s), if any. If the sentence is correct, mark an X in the blank.Документы/l My mother never forgets to put her house keys in her purse before she leaves the house.

2. Christine enjoys walking along the river. She likes that he’s so peaceful.

3. My boyfriend’s mother is an attorney. (e works for important people.

4. If you want to purchase gloves, you can buy them online.

5. He needed a coffee table and a couch, but he decided he could live without it.

6. My cousins are all younger than I, but she is taller than I am.

7. Japan is a small country. They have a long history.

8. Many person in the world are learning English. This person wants to improve his language skills and get a better job.

9. If the tourists go to Puerto Rico, you should visit Old San Juan. You ought to try the food too, because they’re delicious.

10. All his ideas comes from dreams, and he tries to make this dream reality.

11. Mrs. Hutchinson put his jacket back on.

Exercise A.17 Rewrite each sentence, correcting the grammatical error(s).

1. This government has been running by Cardinal Richelieu since 1626.

2. I’m quite exciting to see her again.

3. I am so happy. Finally, I was pass the exam.

4. They’re not sure if the problem will be work out by tomorrow.

5. I’m interesting in advance technology.

6. The other colors have to be change.

7. We need to love someone and be love.

8. This question can be decide by taking into account all the information we’ve gathered.

9. I like the people there, because they’re very educate.

10. I like the way math is teaching in her class.

11. This store is locate on the third floor of the mall.

Exercise A.18 Complete each sentence with an appropriate active- or passive-voice form of the verb in parentheses.

1. Before Paul graduated last December, he ... (offer) a position with a consulting firm.

2. I’m sorry I’m so late. I ... (hold up) in traffic. It ... (take) me an hour to get here instead of half an hour.

3. According to a recent survey, out of every euro a German spends on groceries, 30 cents ... (spend) on fruits and vegetables.

4. I was supposed to take my math test yesterday, but ... I (not + admit) into the testing room, because they ... (already + begin) the test.

5. Only two of us ... (work) in the laboratory this morning when the explosion ... (occur).

6. It’s ten o’clock, so the mail should be here soon. The mailman ... (generally + deliver) our mail before noon.

7. According to the cover of The Economist, solar energy ... (use) extensively by the end of this century.

8. Paul ... (study) Spanish here for the last two years. (is spoken Spanish ... (finally + get) better, but he still needs to improve his spelling.

9. Right now, tickets to the concert ... (sell) at the counter. If you want to go to the concert, you should hurry up and buy some tickets before it’s too late.

10. John is a hero. His name will go down in history. He ... (never + forget).

11. When you ... (arrive) at the bus station tomorrow morning, you ... (meet) by my sister. She ... (wear) a red shirt and a black skirt. She ... (stand) near the main entrance. )’m sure you will be able to find her.

12. Today ... (be) a terrible day. First, I ... (lose) my car keys. Then, I ... (drop) my glasses on the floor while I ... (walk) and they ... (break). Finally, my car ... (steal). Exercise A.19 Complete each sentence with an appropriate active- or passive-voice form of the verb in parentheses.

1. The Amazon rainforest needs to be protected, because almost 20 percent of the planet’s oxygen ... (produce) there.

2. Did you see that terrible car accident on the highway? Several of my friends ... (see) it, including one who ... (interview) by a police officer.

3. In Europe, certain prices ... (control) by the government. Other prices ... (determine) by the market.

4. I am so mad! Earlier today, the wind ... (blow) my cap off. I tried to catch it, because it was autographed by A-Rod and it ... (cost) a lot of money.

5. Right now, Alice is in the hospital. She ... (treat) for a really bad sunburn on her forehead.

6. Frostbite occurs when the skin ... (expose) to extremely cold weather. It mostly ... (affect) hands, feet, noses, and ears.

7. Some researchers claim that Napoleon did not die of natural causes, but that he ... (poison) instead.

8. The government used to finance this school. Today, it ... (support) by the generous donations of alumni.

9. Charles was demoted this morning. He ... (tell) that he was being relieved of his duties as general manager, because he wasn’t making enough money for the company.

10. The game ... (probably + lose) by the opposing team tomorrow. We’re a lot better than they are.

11. In 1989, photographs of Neptune ... (send) back to earth by Voyager 2.

12. The World Health Organization hopes that a human vaccine for Ebola ... (develop) soon. Vaccines ... (already + test) successfully on monkeys.