Answer key

Intermediate English Grammar for ESL Learners - Robin Torres-Gouzerh 2016

Answer key

1 The sentence

1.1 Answers may vary.

1. They were eating an Italian specialty.

2. They have worked in Austin for two years.

3. We purchased it last week.

4. The salad is awful.

5. It looks comfortable.

6. Mrs. Robinson went to the theater.

1.2 1. Children

2. Water

3. Prague

4. The furry, clean, calm cat

5. The furry, clean, calm, black cat

6. The furry, clean, calm, black cat with a scar

7. The big, ugly, dirty, brown bear with long ears and large claws

8. She

9. Peter

10. Lending money and giving too much advice

1.3 1. The big, brown dog sitting in the shade, is

2. I, drink

3. Saul, ordered

4. The youth hostels we stayed in while we were in Budapest, weren’t

5. My professor, was

6. her father, is

7. presidential elections, will be held

8. the people who were sitting in the front row, got up

1.4 Answers may vary.

1. After work

2. strange

3. never

4. Last week, new black

5. seriously

6. In winter, usually

7. younger, beautifully

8. quietly

9. horrible, in the city

10. rather

2 The verb phrase

2.1 1. doesn’t go

2. goes

3. is heading out

4. washes

5. is going

6. has traveled

7. has been practicing

8. has to be

9. goes

10. had visited

11. is going to travel

2.2 1. does

2. is

3. is

4. has

5. has

6. should

7. has to

2.3 1. James is trying on a pair of pants.

James has tried on a pair of pants.

James should try on a pair of pants.

2. I am living on about a hundred dollars a week.

I have lived on about a hundred dollars a week.

I should live on about a hundred dollars a week.

3. Father is scolding the children.

Father has scolded the children.

Father should scold the children.

4. Is she working hard?

Has she worked hard?

Should she work hard?

5. The conductor is waiting on the platform.

The conductor has waited on the platform.

The conductor should wait on the platform.

3 The verb

3.1 Answers may vary.

1. seemed OR sounded

2. looks

3. appear or seem OR look

4. are

5. is OR tastes

6. sounds

7. is OR feels

3.2 1. I studied mathematics.

I have studied mathematics.

I had studied mathematics.

I will study mathematics.

I will have studied mathematics.

2. Tom was going to Iraq.

Tom has been going to Iraq.

Tom had been going to Iraq.

Tom will be going to Iraq.

Tom will have been going to Iraq.

3. Anna came along.

Anna has come along.

Anna had come along.

Anna will come along.

Anna will have come along.

4. They were driving to Arizona.

They have been driving to Arizona.

They had been driving to Arizona.

They will be driving to Arizona.

They will have been driving to Arizona.

3.3 1. Why does he run so fast?

2. The boys were swimming across the river.

3. The hungry campers have been eating the hot dogs.

4. I won’t go to work today.

5. The old woman was being very nice to me.

6. My uncle has been singing in a chorus.

7. Will you be driving your dad’s new car?

8. I thought about you.

9. We had been shopping there.

10. We camped on the side of a hill.

4 The progressive tenses

4.1 Answers may vary.

1. I heard a loud noise

2. the accident took place

3. the electricity suddenly went off

4. the first two guests arrived early

5. The baby was being put to bed

6. I was looking for the light switch

7. I was playing volleyball with my son

8. Their car was speeding down the highway

9. I was sleeping in the hammock

10. I was just window-shopping

4.2 1. While they were opening their Christmas gifts, the Christmas tree fell over.

2. While Tom was swimming in the pool, his little brother fell in the water.

3. While she was speaking with the letter carrier, a taxi pulled up in front of the house.

4. While Ms. Howard was lecturing her class, her cell phone rang.

5. While the boys were playing checkers on the floor, the cat jumped into the middle of their game.

4.3 1. washes

2. eats, is eating

3. am trying

4. am still waiting

5. is shining

6. turns on, stays on

7. is hailing

8. is not playing

9. coaches, trains

10. attends, plays

4.4 1. called, was not, was visiting

2. heard, was

3. was shining, was blowing OR blew, were running OR ran

4. were joking, entered, stopped, pretended, were doing

5. opened, found

6. was organizing, dusted

7. preferred

8. was telling, fell, closed, walked

9. was running, caught, broke

4.5 1. arrive, will be waiting

2. will be sleeping, will be climbing, will be thinking

3. will be staying

4. is, will be raining

5. will be using

6. will be staying, am

5 The perfect tenses

5.1 1. has given

2. have smoked

3. have known

4. have never seen

5. felt

6. have already annoyed, got

7. has been

8. landed

9. broke


1. I have never fed

2. I have never read

3. I have never wrecked

4. I have never understood

5. I have never thought

6. I have never built

7. I have never flown

8. I have never held

9. I have never slept

10. I have never traveled

11. I have never taught

12. I have never voted

13. I have never listened

14. I have never caught

15. I have never made

16. I have never won

17. I have never sent

18. I have never eaten

19. I have never stolen

20. I have never fallen

21. I have never brought

22. I have never forgotten

23. I have never drunk

5.3 Answers may vary.

1. the 17th of February, two days ago, the 15th of February, two days

2. in 1996, 12 years, 1996

3. 8, 2000, eight years, 2000

4. the 12th of March, on the 15th of December, December, almost three months

5.4 1. have made

2. has advanced

3. has changed, were, have become, were

4. has gotten, has also gotten, have become

5. had, went, talked

6. have you learned, began

7. have you met, have already met

8. have never tasted

9. Have you ever met

10. have already taken, failed, took

11. have you gone, have been, have never been, were you, also visited, took, you visited, were, had, have always wanted, have not had, went, have not traveled

5.5 1. Pedro

2. Mr. Prince

3. Tyler

4. Lucas

5. Lucy

6. Paul

7. Bertrand

8. Alicia

9. Kenji’s uncle

5.6 1. was, had stopped

2. left, had collected, had recorded

3. had already given, got, had also handed out

4. felt, had taken or took, had given or gave

5. had been or was, became

6. locked, walked out, had taken, forgot or had forgotten

7. had been, made, had blocked out

5.7 1. ran, had not seen, recognized, had changed, had lost

2. had already occupied, bought, made

3. had never seen, visited

4. roamed, had become, evolved

5. had already begun, got, sat down, tried

5.8 1. get, will already have left OR will have already left

2. have been, had been, will have been

3. will have been

4. will have suffered, retires

5. will have been running (and) swimming OR will have run (and) swum

6. will have taken

7. got, had already arrived

8. have been walking or have walked, had been walking or had walked, will have been walking or will have walked

9. will have lived

10. will have traveled OR will have been traveling

5.9 1. goes, will meet, meets, will have watched

2. has read, is reading, has been reading, intends, has read, has ever read

3. began, has not finished, is reading

4. are taking, fell, have been sleeping or have slept, will sleep

5. had already eaten, left, usually tries, heads out, do not eat, go, get, will try, go, will eat

6. is studying, is also taking, begin

7. went, wanted

8. attends OR is attending

9. locked, came, got, was mixing, uses, had been working or had worked

5.10 1. was, has not, need, do not have, do not know, do you need, will pay, takes or has taken

2. is not, called, gets, am sitting OR will be sitting, studying

3. sat, began, was sitting, asked, tried, was, did, was talking, sat, felt OR had felt, raised, asked

4. was lying OR lay, heard, got, looked, opened, had just left, had taken off

5. will take OR am taking, am really looking, will go, leave, will go, studies or is studying, has been living, knows, has promised, am staying or stay, have never been, have always wanted

5.11 1. verb

2. auxiliary verb

3. verb

4. auxiliary verb

5. verb

6. auxiliary verb

6 Modal auxiliaries

6.1 1. may

2. should OR may

3. might

4. Should

5. would

6. can

7. can

8. could

9. may

10. should

6.2 Answers may vary.

1. borrow my truck any time

2. like to become a ballerina

3. leave for home before the storm begins

4. have a close look at those worn-out tires

5. train well for the triathlon

6. stop by for a visit tomorrow

7. turn down that radio

8. drink so much

6.3 1. should

2. must

3. should

4. should

5. must

6. must

7. should

8. should

9. must

10. must

11. must

12. should

13. must

14. should

15. should

16. must

6.4 1. a

2. b

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. a

6.5 1. I shouldn’t have gone to a movie.

2. I should have studied.

3. I shouldn’t have played video games.

4. I should have looked it up in the dictionary.

5. I shouldn’t have left the window open.

6. I shouldn’t have turned off the fan.

7. I shouldn’t have spent all my money while I was on vacation.

8. I should have gone grocery shopping.

9. I shouldn’t have left my coat at home.

10. I shouldn’t have lied to her.

11. I should have had coffee this morning.

12. I shouldn’t have eaten all the ice cream.

6.6 1. do not have to

2. must not

3. does not have to

4. must not

5. must not

6. must not

7. do not have to

8. does not have to

9. do not have to

10. must not

11. does not have to

12. do not have to, must not

13. must not

14. do not have to

15. do not have to

6.7 1. You are to keep off the grass.

2. You are not to eat or drink inside.

3. You are to move to the rear of the plane.

4. You are not to feed the monkeys.

5. You are not to smoke.

6. You are not to allow visitors on board.

7. You are not to litter.

8. You are not to use the elevator in case of fire.

6.8 1. Can

2. May

3. Will

4. Shall

5. Can

6. Will

7. shall


1. a

2. b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

7 The progressive forms of modal auxiliaries


1. must have been kidding

2. must be playing

3. should be studying

4. may be staying, might be staying

5. may have been kidding

6. must be raining

7. may be jogging

8. must be burning

9. could be riding, may be walking

10. must have been climbing


1. is

2. X

3. X

4. X, are

5. am

6. X

7. are

8. X

9. were

10. am

11. is

12. is, am

7.3 1. used to be, would open

2. used to be

3. would ask, would never let

4. would begin

5. used to be, would get together, would go, used to drink

6. used to be, would make up, would not help

7. used to be, would start, would have

8. would take

9. would walk

10. would swim, would dry out, would get ready, would hike

11. used to live, would always smile, would say, would clear

8 The auxiliary verb do

8.1 1. Do they come here?, Where do they come?

2. Did she stay there?, Where did she stay?

3. Did his airplane land in the morning?, Where did his airplane land in the morning?

4. Did the package arrive?, Where did the package arrive?

5. Does Robert live there?, Where does Robert live?

8.2 1. I do not own any black-and-white movies.

2. I do not have any problems with my computer.

3. We do not have any time to waste.

4. I did not see anyone I know (or knew).

5. I do not need any help with my homework.

6. I do not trust any of you.

7. I do not trust anyone.

8.3 1. Do the girls need some help?, Don’t the girls need some help?

2. Does she have a job in a bakery?, Doesn’t she have a job in a bakery?

3. Did Bob see somebody in the shadows?, Didn’t Bob see somebody in the shadows?

4. Do you like hot tea?, Don’t you like hot tea?

8.4 1. verb

2. auxiliary verb

3. verb

4. auxiliary verb

5. verb

6. auxiliary verb

9 The passive voice

9. 1 P

2. P

3. P

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. P

8. P

9. A

9.2 1. A hundred dollars was found by Maria.

2. The Preamble to the Constitution will be memorized by the students.

3. Were the tickets purchased by you?

4. Some ancient ruins have been discovered by them.

5. The room is being measured by Bill.

9.3 1. A thousand cars were manufactured at that plant.

2. Theories about that are being developed.

3. That painting will be bought today.

4. The opening of the new store has been postponed.

5. His work is not respected.

9.4 1. A new design for the logo has been suggested by Kevin.

2. The formula is going to be explained by the professor.

3. People at the bar are served by bartenders.

4. A speech is being prepared by Noam Chomsky.

5. Marie will be invited to the party by Alex.

6. The novel American Gods was written by Neil Gaiman.

9.5 1. will have been

2. is

3. is being

4. has been

5. is going to be

6. will be

7. had been

9.6 1. Every professional school in New York teaches technical skills.

2. TF1 is broadcasting the ping-pong tournament.

3. X

4. Keats wrote this poem. Garda Lorca wrote the other one.

5. X. Later, Arabs produced paper in Baghdad.

6. X

7. X

9.7 1. My purse was stolen by someone.

2. X

3. My fork was borrowed by Gabriel at lunch.

4. This antique sewing machine was made in 1834 by someone.

5. X

6. The plants were being watered by Steve when I walked into the garden this morning.

7. The president is going to be judged by the jury on the basis of his testimony.

8. When was the atomic bomb invented by America?

9. X

10. Is a reunion being organized by Maureen this week?

11. The Bible has been translated into many languages by professionals.

10 The passive form of modal auxiliaries

10.1 1. should be told

2. should have been driven

3. should clean or should have cleaned

4. must be kept

5. couldn’t be convinced

6. couldn’t open

7. may be offered

8. may not offer

9. may have already been offered

10. may have already hired

11. must have been surprised

12. should have been sent

13. should be sent

14. had better clean

15. had better be cleaned

16. has to return or will have to return

17. have to be returned OR will have to be returned OR had to be returned

18. ought to be divided

19. ought to have been divided

10.2 Answers may vary.

1. may be

2. can be seen

3. must be put

4. should not get

5. should not be encouraged

6. ought to be postponed

7. might be misunderstood

8. can’t be explained

9. must be married

10. must have been left

11. will be displeased

12. has to be pushed

13. should be built

14. ought to be saved

15. has to be done

16. should be elected

11 The stative passive

11.1 1. disappointed

2. exciting

3. interested

4. gratifying

5. confusing

6. confused

7. excited

8. excited

11.2 1. is broken

2. is closed

3. was closed

4. is made

5. is shut

6. are bent, are folded

7. is finished

8. are turned

9. is not crowded

10. is hidden

11. is torn

12. are gone

13. is set, are finished, are lit

14. is made, is vacuumed, are washed

15. was stuck

16. is stuck

11.3 1. scheduled

2. is, crowded

3. am lost

4. am exhausted

5. am confused

6. is turned off

7. is insured

8. is stuck

9. are divorced

10. is gone

11. are, qualified

12. am married

13. is spoiled

14. is blocked

15. is located

16. Is, plugged in

17. is, done

11.4 1. is composed of

2. is interested in

3. is accustomed to

4. is scared of

5. am satisfied with

6. are covered with

7. are opposed to

8. is finished with

9. is married to

10. am, acquainted with

11. is tired of

12. Are, related to

13. is dedicated to

14. are disappointed with

15. am scared of

16. is dedicated to

17. are devoted to

18. is dressed in

12 Past participles with get

12.1 Answers may vary.

1. No one is getting hired, because the company will go out of business.

2. Larry was getting annoyed, because the dog would not stop barking.

3. His pay is getting increased, because he did a great job on the project.

4. Younger candidates are getting elected, because the people want change.

5. He was getting fingerprinted when the police found the real culprit.

12.2 1. am getting tired

2. are, getting married

3. get dressed

4. got lost

5. got hurt

6. got tired

7. get accustomed

8. am getting worried

9. got confused

10. get upset

11. get done

12. get bored

13. got depressed

14. get packed

15. get paid

16. got hired, got fired

17. didn’t get finished

18. got engaged, got married, got divorced

13 Participial adjectives

13.1 1. sleeping, slept

2. inventing, invented

3. losing, lost

4. destroying, destroyed

5. comparing, compared

6. reporting, reported

7. endangering, endangered

8. making, madeДокументы/l stealing, stolen

10. slaying, slain

13.2 Answers may vary.

1. It is an entertained group of children.

2. He/She is an entertaining circus clown.

3. This is a boring class.

4. They are bored students.

5. This is a frightening accident.

6. She is a frightened woman.

7. She was a surprised girl.

8. It was a loud and surprising noise.

9. It was hard and exhausting work.

10. They were exhausted men.

13.3 1. borrowed

2. terrified

3. terrifying

4. gratifying

5. stolen

6. embarrassing

7. damaging

8. damaged

9. crowded

10. frozen

11. injured

12. lasting

13. locked

14. deserted

14 Subject-verb agreement

14.1 1. are

2. writes

3. were

4. are

5. wakes

6. like

7. were

8. Do

9. were

10. is

14.2 1. were running

2. doesn’t work

3. has

4. are

5. is screaming OR was screaming

14.3 1. am

2. are

3. are

4. are

5. is

6. is

7. is

8. was

9. were

10. were

11. were

12. was

13. was

14. was

15. was

14.4 1. is

2. has

3. is

4. are

5. are

6. belongs

7. аге

8. аге

9. is

10. is

11. is OR are, are

12. are

13. is

14. is

15. Do

16. Do

17. were

18. was

19. Do

20. is

21. is

14.5 1. are

2. is

3. are

4. isn’t

5. is

6. aren’t

7. are

8. isn’t

9. is

10. are

14.6 1. is

2. is

3. is

4. is

5. tries

6. is

7. is

8. is

9. do

10. are

11. like

12. is

13. fear

14. are

15. depends

16. have

14.7 1. Are

2. are

3. are

4. is

5. Do

6. Does

7. is

8. is

9. makes

10. keeps

11. are

12. knocks

13. is

14. is

15. provides

16. violates

17. is

18. plan

19. is

20. is

21. are

22. are

23. is

24. is

14.8 1. Mark and Pamela

2. Manhattan

3. People

4. cars

14.9 1. was

2. is

3. talk

4. are

5. were

15 Agreement with nouns

15.1 1. They were

2. they

3. It doesn’t

4. they

5. it is

6. them, they appreciate

7. They

8. It

9. It consists

10. they

11. They are

12. It is

15.2 Answers may vary.

1. a few dishes

2. many airplanes

3. several animals

4. some students/coffee

5. a little argument/cotton

6. six meters

7. much courage

8. little kittens/rain

15.3 1. is

2. is

3. is

4. stays

5. was

15.4 1. much

2. much

3. some

4. is

5. much

6. loaves

7. a little

8. the few

9. much

10. a little

15.5 1. was

2. was

3. studies

4. wants

5. is

6. drinks

15.6 1. he OR she wants

2. they are

3. he OR she builds, his OR her

4. He, he OR She, she

5. he

6. his OR her OR their

7. his OR her OR their

8. he, his OR she, her OR they, their

9. it is

10. It is, It, it, his

15.7 Answers may vary.

1. are

2. is

3. are

4. are

5. any

6. was

7. many

16 Using other

16.1 Answers may vary.

1. another difficult task

2. another day at the office

3. another way of looking at things

4. another bowl of soup

5. other relatives of the bride

6. other kinds of problems

7. other goals of the project

8. other people to greet

16.2 1. the other

2. Others

3. another

4. others

5. The other

6. the other

7. Another, Another, Another, the other

8. Another, The other

9. the other

10. other

11. others

12. each other, one another, each other (or any combiNATiOn)

13. another

14. another

15. the other

16. the other

17. others, other people, others (or any combiNATiOn)

18. the others

19. other

20. another, Another, The other

21. Another, others

22. Another, The other

23. the others

24. another

25. each other or one another

26. another

27. another

17 Gerunds

17.1 Answers may vary.

1. drawing, practicing, sleeping late, juggling

2. hunting, kayaking, skiing, weightlifting

17.2 1. Moving

2. Mentioning

3. meeting

4. Managing

5. walking, swimming

17.3 1. reaching

2. Deciding

3. protecting, serving

4. studying, staying

5. painting, repairing

6. singing

7. alerting

8. Listening

9. Stretching

10. Rhyming, dancing

18 Conjunctions

18.1 Sample answers are provided.

1. red, The car was small, dirty, and red.

2. muddy, The country lane was narrow, long, and muddy.

3. pollution, I dislike living downtown because of the noise, crime, and pollution.

4. kind people, The Dominican Republic has kind people, palm trees, pretty beaches, and tropical birds.

5. foods, I like to become acquainted with people, customs, and foods from other countries.

18.2 1. Susan washed the dishes and put the food away.

2. Peter opened the door and greeted the guests.

3. Ralph is painting the garage door and cleaning the brushes.

4. Simon is generous, handsome, and intelligent.

5. Please try to make less noise and have some respect for others.

6. She gave him chocolates on Monday, a CD on Tuesday, and a bracelet on Wednesday.

7. While we were in Los Angeles, we went to a concert, ate Mexican food, and visited old friends.

8. I should have finished my project and cleaned my car.

9. He preferred to play poker or spend time in museums.

10. I like water, but not soda.

18.3 1. and

2. so

3. but

4. or

5. but

6. nor

7. and

8. and

18.4 1. are

2. is

3. are

4. is

5. is

6. are

18.5 1. She has neither a pen nor a ruler.

2. Both the giant panda and the white tiger face extinction.

3. We could either drive or take the bus.

4. She wants to buy either a Honda or a Toyota.

5. We can either fix dinner for them at home or take them to the restaurant.

6. Not only Joseph but also Peter is absent. OR Both Joseph and Peter are absent.

7. Neither Joe nor Pedro is in class today.

8. You can have either tea or coffee.

9. Both Roger and Sam enjoy playing Nintendo.

10. The President’s press secretary will neither confirm nor deny the story.

11. Both coal and petroleum are nonrenewable natural resources.

12. Both bird flu and malaria are dangerous diseases.

13. Neither her parents nor her boyfriend knows where she is.

14. According to the weather report, not only will it rain tomorrow but it will also be windy.

18.6 1. whether, or, for, and

2. and, either, or

3. not only, but, and

4. Neither, nor, but

5. Both, and, but

18.7 1. The men walked. The boys ran.

2. Sylvia came to the meeting. Her brother stayed home.

3. Sylvia came to the meeting, but her brother stayed home.

4. X

5. The professor spoke. The students listened.

6. His academic record was outstanding, yet he was not accepted into Harvard.

7. Her academic record was outstanding. She was not accepted into Harvard, but she was not too unhappy about it.

8. X

9. We had to go to the grocery store, for there was nothing to eat in the fridge.

10. A barometer measures air pressure. A thermometer measures temperature.

11. The Egyptians had good sculptors. Archeologists have found marvelous statues buried in the pyramids.

12. Murdock made many promises, but he had no intention of keeping them. (e was known to be a liar.

13. I always enjoyed studying geography in high school, so I decided to pursue it in college.

14. Cecilia is in serious legal trouble, for she had no car insurance at the time of the accident.

15. Last night, Marie had to study for an exam, so she went to a coffeehouse.

16. The team of scientists has not finished analyzing the virus yet. Their work will not be published until later this year.

17. You have nothing to fear, for they are strong and united.

18. She threw the book out the window. She had failed the exam again, so she’d ruined her chances of bringing up her grade in the class.

19. Sophia struggled to keep her head above water. She tried to yell, but the water kept getting in her mouth.

20. The hurricane was devastating. Tall buildings crumbled and crashed to the ground.

21. It was a wonderful day at the park. The children swam in the river, collected rocks and insects, and laughed all day. The older kids played soccer. The adults prepared the food, supervised the children, and played cards for a short while.

22. Caterpillars eat plants and can cause damage to some crops, but adult butterflies feed primarily on flowers and do not cause any harm.

23. Both Jesse and I had many errands to do this morning. Jesse had to go to the post office and the bookstore. I had to go to the pharmacy, the video store, and the bank.

24. The butterfly is extraordinary. It begins as an ugly caterpillar and turns into something colorful. It almost looks like a piece of art.

18.8 1. although

2. before

3. until

4. because

5. before

6. while

7. since

8. even though

9. until

10. since OR because

11. because

12. when OR whenever

13. before OR when

14. if

15. than

16. after OR as soon as OR when

17. even though OR although

18. unless

18.9 Sample answers are provided.

1. They can’t leave until they feed the cats.

2. I am not going to leave this room until you tell me the truth. OR Until you tell me the truth, ) am not going to leave this room.

3. He can’t pay his parking ticket until he receives his paycheck.

4. It had been a boring conversation until, finally, Steve arrived. OR Until Steve finally arrived, it had been a boring conversation.

5. When I go to bed at night, I like to read until I get sleepy.

18.10 In these answers, the dependent clause beginning with Now that precedes the independent clause; however, it could also follow the independent clause.

1. Now that Patrick moved into a house, he can use his own furniture.

2. Now that I’ve finally finished painting the kitchen, I can go running.

3. Now that it’s winter, they have to wear warm clothes.

4. Now that he’s 21, he can legally drink.

5. Now that Charles has a Jeep, he can drive to school.

6. Now that the civil war has ended, a new government is being formed.

7. Now that the project is finally over, we can relax.

8. Now that the water has gotten warmer, do you want to go swimming?

9. Now that my best friend is married, he has more responsibilities.

10. Now that I know English, I can get a job as a translator.

18.11 Answers may vary.

1. We stopped to visit our grandparents on our way to Oklahoma; afterwards/later/then, we stayed with friends in Tulsa.

2. We had planned to go to the park today; however/unfortunately, the rain canceled our plans.

3. It was a difficult time for her; still/however/nonetheless, she learned a lot from the experience.

4. The hotel stayed vacant and abandoned for many years; finally/eventually, the city council decided to tear it down.

5. They had a romantic walk along the river; afterwards/later, they went back to the hotel to drink some champagne.

6. Mr. Williams cannot speak at the conference; instead/therefore, Mr. Rogers will go in his place.

7. We enjoy all kinds of outdoor activities; for example, we really like rock climbing.

8. The mall is already closed; besides/anyway, you do not have any money to spend.

9. The essay must be written by Monday; otherwise, you fall behind schedule.

10. Anna Nicole Smith was incredibly rich; however, she did not have a happy life.

11. They spent their entire afternoon shopping for clothes; afterwards/later, they wore some of their purchases to the dance.

12. He likes seafood; however, he is allergic to oysters.

19 Prepositions

19.1 1. instead of, truck

2. in, pool; for, dinner

3. above, hills

4. about, book

5. into, room; next to, Helen

6. of, one

7. from, him; in, Iraq

8. Contrary to, opinion

9. among, students; from, department

10. with, table; by, window

19.2 Answers may vary.

1. her lovely garden

2. their sister

3. a chocolate eclair and a banana split

4. noon, sundown

5. the old monastery

6. the threat of a storm

7. your poor showing on the exam

8. the visitors to the museum

9. origami

10. the electrical storm

19.3 1. We spent a lot of time there.

2. They have been there for over three years.

3. In it, I found my sister’s diary.

4. City Hall has been located here for years.

5. What are you hiding in them?

6. Do you really like its smell?

7. Their gowns looked like flour sacks.

8. His OR Her symphony was recently found.

9. They said her poems are their favorites.

10. Its political goals are slowly changing.

19.4 Answers may vary.

1. next to a school for the blind

2. beneath the first floor of a hotel

3. on the outskirts of Paris

4. of the state of Indiana

5. in the closet of his bedroom

20 Adjectives and adverbs

20.1 1. We had never arranged a surprise party for them.

We had rarely arranged a surprise party for them.

2. The soprano from France never sang at the Met. The soprano from France rarely sang at the Met.

3. Grandfather was never in a good mood. Grandfather was rarely in a good mood.

4. My brother could never fix his own car.

My brother could rarely fix his own car.

5. They will never go to Alaska in the winter.

They will rarely go to Alaska in the winter.

20.2 1. hard

2. best

3. beautiful, happy

4. fast, good

5. humid

6. beaming, radiant

7. hurriedly

8. rarely

9. loudly

10. finally

11. often

12. biweekly

13. seriously

14. indoors

15. regularly

16. still

17. perhaps

20.3 1. meticulous, meticulously

2. easy, easily

3. loudly, loud

4. quietly

5. secretly

6. well, good

20.4 1. clean (adj), quite (adv), rapidly (adv)

2. Moroccan (adj), beautiful (adj)

3. old (adj), very (adv), carefully (adv)

4. usually (adv), rather (adv), short (adj)

5. very (adv), good (adj), yesterday (adv)

20.5 Answers may vary.

1. Catherine has already finished writing the essay due tomorrow.

2. Helen is seldom at Jason’s house.

3. Does he always go to her house?

4. He often goes hiking to get away from it all and relax.

5. She should always tell him the truth.

6. Eric has never seen the ocean.

7. Steven often produces his electronic music on his laptop.

8. Anna is often at the club on Tuesday nights.

9. Vince rarely goes to the movies, because he prefers staying home.

10. I generally don’t ask for a girl’s number if I don’t know her.

11. I have never eaten an Asian pear.

21 Filler subjects and impersonal subjects

21.1 1. There was a cat sleeping under the coffee table.

2. There were several girls learning to dance ballet.

3. There will be a class photo taken at ten sharp.

4. There had been a lot of damage caused by the storm.

5. There are promises to be kept.

Answers may vary.

6. a violent storm last night

7. a meeting here recently

8. an important announcement in an hour

9. too many mistakes made

10. significant errors in your work

21.2 1. They

2. they, they

3. it

4. it

5. there

6. he

7. we or they

8. it

9. it

10. it, it

21.3 there, there, it, it, it, There, it

21.4 1. PP

2. IP

3. PP

4. IP

5. IP, IP

22 Clauses

22.1 1. she will be able to eat some dessert

2. Marco picked up something from the office

3. William read the cover story of The Economist

4. Barbara laughed

5. Paul watched

6. many people enjoy drinking a lot of it

22.2 1. The student that sits next to me is from Korea. OR The student, who sits next to me, is from Korea.

2. The boy that won first prize is excited. OR The boy, who won first prize, is excited.

3. I smelled the cake that was cooling on the window ledge. OR I smelled the cake, which was cooling on the window ledge.

4. We are studying English, which involves learning many rules.

5. We are studying sentences that contain different clauses.

6. I am using a relative clause that includes a possessive pronoun.

7. Physics problems require long calculations that are often very complex. or Physics problems require long calculations, which are often very complex.

8. The bus driver that spoke to me a lot was friendly. or The bus driver, who spoke to me a lot, was friendly.

9. I liked that girl that I met at the zoo last week. OR I liked that girl, whom I met at the zoo last week.

10. The movie that I saw was awful.

11. I liked the poem that he wrote.

12. His grandparents, whom we visited last month, were very nice.

22.3 1. I must thank your brother, from whom I received flowers. I must thank your brother, whom I received flowers from.

2. The woman with whom I spoke this morning was very kind. The woman that I spoke with this morning was very kind. The woman I spoke with this morning was very kind.

3. The conference that I registered for was interesting. The conference I registered for was interesting.

4. The painting, which I was looking at for a long time, was colorful and detailed. The painting that I was looking at for a long time was colorful and detailed. The painting I was looking at for a long time was colorful and detailed.

5. The man whom I was telling you about is sleeping over there. The man that I was telling you about is sleeping over there. The man I was telling you about is sleeping over there.

22.4 1. Mr. Castro, whose native language is Spanish, teaches a class for foreign students.

2. The yoga instructor whose class I am taking is excellent.

3. I met the man whose son is my office manager.

4. The woman whose apartment was on fire called 911.

5. I laughed at the man that I pushed in the pool.

6. I come from France, whose history goes back hundreds of years.

7. The people whose house we visited were crazy.

8. I sleep in a hotel whose residents are very noisy.

9. I have to call the girl whose cell phone I accidentally picked up after our date.

10. The boy, whose cheeks got sunburned while he was lying at the swimming pool, put lotion all over his face.

22.5 1. who put out the fire

2. I was waiting for

3. that she is wearing

4. Peter is working on

5. whose advice I take most seriously

6. I had last week

7. I was talking to

8. that destroyed the embassy

22.6 1. The younger men, whom we met in the hotel lobby this morning, are from Peru. The younger men that we met in the hotel lobby this morning are from Peru. The younger men we met in the hotel lobby this morning are from Peru.

2. I explained my absence to the manager, whose presentation I had missed. I explained my absence to the manager whose presentation I had missed.

3. Yesterday, I ran into Paul, whom I hadn’t seen in months.

4. The driver, who was not paying attention, missed the red light.

5. He spoke of the postmodern movement, which I know nothing about. He spoke of the postmodern movement, about which I know nothing.

6. The historian, whom we met in Paris, is well known for his research. The historian that we met in Paris is well known for his research. The historian we met in Paris is well known for his research.

7. I am reading a novel that was written by Alexander Dumas.

8. The teacher, whom I questioned, gave good explanations. The teacher that I questioned gave good explanations. The teacher I questioned gave good explanations.

9. The professor, whose class I passed, gives easy exams.

10. I returned the car, which I had borrowed from my father. I returned the car that I had borrowed from my father. I returned the car I had borrowed from my father.

11. The hunter caught the lion, which had killed someone from the village. The hunter caught the lion that had killed someone from the village.

12. The children, whom I am taking care of, are very quiet. The children that I am taking care of are very quiet. The children I am taking care of are very quiet.

22.7 1. That is the cafeteria where I will eat lunch. or That is the cafeteria that I will eat lunch in. or That is the cafeteria I will eat lunch in.

2. The medieval village, where we spent our summer, was beautiful. OR The medieval village where we spent our summer was beautiful. or The medieval village, in which we spent our summer, was beautiful. or The medieval village, which we spent our summer in, was beautiful. or The medieval village that we spent our summer in was beautiful. or The medieval village we spent our summer in was beautiful.

3. The neighborhood where I grew up is dangerous. OR The neighborhood that I grew up in is dangerous. or The neighborhood I grew up in is dangerous.

4. That is the account where I kept all my savings. OR That is the account that I kept all my savings in. or That is the account I kept all my savings in.

5. Carl is from Jamaica, where I used to live.

22.8 Answers may vary.

1. 1:10 p.m. is the time when my train arrives at the station.

2. June is the month when I will come.

3. 1959 is the year when the Cuban socialist revolution took place.

4. Wednesday is the day when my plane arrives.

22.9 1. That is the sidewalk where I parked.

2. That is the city where I was born.

3. That is the store where you do your grocery shopping.

4. That is the bank where you keep your money.

5. That is the building where he works.

6. That is the street where she lives.

7. That is the Mexican restaurant where we ate lunch.

8. That is the amphitheater where we have class.

9. That is the hotel where we spent our vacation.

10. That is the river where you went fishing.

11. That is the town where I lived until I was ten years old.

12. That is the university where your father went to graduate school.

22.10 1. Yes, the movie I watched was scary.

2. No, the iced coffee I drank did not taste good.

3. Yes, the scarf I bought keeps my neck warm.

4. No, the Chinese noodles I had for dinner were not too spicy.

5. Yes, the man I talked to answered my questions.

6. No, the little girl I saw was not wearing a pink sweater.

7. Yes, the football game I went to was exciting.

8. No, the bed-and-breakfast I stayed at was not in the countryside.

9. No, the exercise I am finishing is not difficult.

10. No, the letter I got in the mail was not from my aunt.

22.11 1. Neil Young is the musician whose album you are listening to.

2. Aline Helg is the professor whose class I am writing a thesis for.

3. Mr. Mohammed is the student whose notes I found.

4. Paul is an intern whose pen I borrowed.

5. The child whose ball you lost began to scream.

6. Your neighbors, whose house you stayed at, are very funny.

7. The executive, whose office is locked, has been in a meeting for five hours.

8. The woman whose necklace was stolen called a private detective.

9. Basquiat is the artist whose paintings you like the best.

10. Everyone tried to help the mother whose car had broken down.

22.12 Answers may vary.

1. that he meets for the first time

2. who has the same birthday I do

3. who knows the answer

4. that I can do for her

5. that we can turn to

6. that he says is true

7. who hasn’t sat down yet

8. that we took yesterday

9. who arrived late

10. who were in the first half, who were in the second half

22.13 1. Last night, the Metropolitan Movie Theater showed three of Stanley Kubrick’s movies, one of which was Dr. Strangelove.

2. The village has three schools, two of which are high schools.

3. I tried on three hats, one of which I liked.

4. The capital has about five million people, the majority of whom are poor.

5. The army currently employs thousands of young men, all of whom have obtained their GED.

6. After the riots in Paris, over 400 people were arrested, many of whom were peaceful protesters.

7. They spread rumors about Catherine, one of whose faults was being beautiful beyond belief.

22.14 Answers may vary.

1. which is really old

2. whom I had met last semester in Spanish class

3. whom live in Toulouse, France

4. which lasts only 35 minutes

5. whom I get along with

6. whose main problems is being disorganized

7. which were way too boring

8. which are being repainted

22.15 1. They bought an original Matisse painting, the value of which cannot possibly be estimated.

2. I bought a newspaper, the name of which is Le Monde.

3. We visited a Victorian castle, the interior of which was made of wood.

4. The United Nations is going through many changes, the outcome of which might alter human history.

5. My store’s income is dependent on souvenirs, the sale of which depends on the number of tourists.

22.16 1. Clara was expelled from school, which took her family by surprise.

2. My husband never washes the dishes, which annoys me.

3. Pedro isn’t home yet, which concerns me.

4. There was a fire in Key West, which means many villas burned.

5. I shut the car door on my finger, which was really silly of me.

22.17 Answers may vary.

1. The person sitting behind us kept talking. The person sitting behind us kept talking, which distracted me a lot.

2. Alfred failed his math test. Alfred failed his math test, which shocked us all.

3. We got a call from the airport. We got a call from the airport, which means she’ll be home anytime.

4. The food was freshly cooked. The food was freshly cooked, which I enjoyed very much.

5. They decided to sign the peace treaty. They decided to sign the peace treaty, which was unexpected good news.

6. The flight attendants kept snickering. The flight attendants kept snickering, which bothered me.

7. The neighbors’ dog kept barking. The neighbors’ dog kept barking, which annoyed me so much that I could not fall asleep.

8. My cousin was playing electric guitar. My cousin was playing electric guitar, which was so loud that it gave me a headache.

22.18 1. What she was mad about was important.

2. I don’t know how well read she is.

3. Please tell me where you go shoe shopping.

4. I have no idea how old that child is.

5. Do you know whose pencil this is?

6. I don’t know who those men are.

7. I can’t tell who is coming to the meeting.

8. Let’s ask her which flavor of ice cream she wants.

9. I can’t recall how expensive it is.

10. I forgot what it is he sent me. OR I forgot what he sent me.

11. What she said to you is a lie!

12. Why she left the state is a mystery.

13. What we are doing at work is top secret.

14. What we are doing in English class today is easy.

15. Whom she is dating is none of your business.

16. I don’t know who the president of Enron is.

17. I need to look up how old someone has to be in order to drink.

22.19 1. Why was George late for registration?

2. How long is it from San Antonio to the Mexican border?

3. What did Sarah sell?

4. Where does Pedro reside?

5. Who is that woman?

6. Whose computer is that?

7. Whom did Joseph see at the dinner?

8. Which movie does Sophie like best?

9. Who noticed Barbara at the bar?

10. When is the train scheduled to arrive?

22.20 1. why George was late for registration

2. how long it is from San Antonio to the Mexican border

3. what Sarah sold

4. where Pedro resides

5. who that woman is

6. whose computer that is

7. (the person) whom Joseph saw at the dinner

8. which movie Sophie likes best

9. who noticed Barbara at the bar

10. when the train is scheduled to arrive

22.21 Answers may vary.

1. I wonder where Adrian is.

2. I wonder who took the television remote.

3. I wonder whether you should call her.

4. I wonder whether Marie needs any help or not.

5. I wonder whether or not you left your keys on the counter.

6. I wonder who that man is.

7. I wonder what they are doing.

8. I wonder whether she is in trouble.

9. I wonder whether we should offer to help him.

10. I wonder whether we have enough time to go on vacation.

11. I wonder whose bike this is.

12. I wonder why the grass is so green.

13. I wonder how long a bonsai lives.

14. I wonder if there is life on Mars.

15. I wonder how the earth was created.

22.22 1. It is unfair that some immigrants don’t receive equal pay for equal work. That some immigrants don’t receive equal pay for equal work is unfair.

2. It is too bad that Patricia has not been able to make it to second grade. That Patricia has not been able to make it to second grade is too bad.

3. It is a well-known fact that alcohol abuse can ruin one’s life. That alcohol abuse can ruin one’s life is a well-known fact.

4. It is a fact that the sun is a star. That the sun is a star is a fact.

5. It is true that smoking can cause lung cancer. That smoking can cause lung cancer is true.

6. It is strange that Marc has made no friends here. That Marc has made no friends here is strange.

7. It is obvious that English is the principal language of the international business community. That English is the principal language of the international business community is obvious.

22.23 Answers may vary.

1. to do

2. to wear

3. to move downtown or not

4. to play soccer

5. to get them

6. to eat, to visit certain exhibitions

7. to make lasagna, (to) make a Romano salad

22.24 1. Please let me know where to meet up with you.

2. The fireman told me how to stop a fire from spreading.

3. She told me when to get there.

4. Elizabeth liked both puppies, but she had trouble deciding which one to take home.

5. Alex played in a rock band that was successful, but Nathalie didn’t know whether to buy their new album or not.

22.25 Answers may vary.

1. take off his hat

2. forget about the whole case

3. be more honest with him

4. sing something for them

5. be as polite as possible from now on

23 Punctuation

23.1 1. The city council requested that Gov. Madison allocate more funds to the development of children’s playgrounds.

2. Richard told his parents, “I enjoy having dinner before eight o’clock, because it gives me enough time to finish my homework before going to sleep.”

3. Meet them at Whole Foods for breakfast.

4. Nathan said to his professor, “I can’t be done with my paper by Monday.”

5. I thanked Mrs. Bronco for giving us a ride to school this morning.

6. Sgt. Pepper was called to the conference room for an important membership meeting.

23.2 1. The comma is used to separate the dependent clause from the main clause.

2. Commas are used to separate the elements of the address and to separate the date from the year.

3. The comma is used to separate the two independent clauses.

4. The comma is used to separate large numbers into smaller groups of digits.

5. The comma is used to separate the interrupting words as promised from the rest of the sentence.

6. The comma is used to separate the persons addressed from the rest of the sentence.

7. The comma is used to separate items in a series.

23.3 1. Taylor asked, “How are we supposed to cook this with no oven?”

2. She packed two blouses, a black skirt, and a new business suit.

3. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population reached 6,500,000,000 on February 25, 2006.

4. Dear Mrs. Dimple,

5. The Persian Gulf War officially ended on February 28, 1991.

6. They were so excited by the soccer game, which went into three overtimes, that they hardly noticed the afternoon go by.

7. Marie, Catherine, and Chris are all going to the theater together.

8. IBM, not Apple, will build a fast computer.

9. If you’ve never been to the craft show, there will be selected sales and bargain bins.

10. She will be participating, won’t she?

11. Yes, I think there is enough time for you to pick it up and get back home before dinner.

12. If I could get a nickel for every time he lies, I would be a billionaire.

13. He had intended to stay home, but he decided instead to go running.

23.4 1. The computers at my job have large monitors, loud speakers, CD burners, DVD players, and all sorts of other useful hardware; are equipped with the most recent software; and have the most sophisticated firewall.

2. Peter was amazed by the talent of the opposing team’s poetry skills; at the same time, he knew his team could win the poetry contest.

3. Greg was the first to run out of the burning house; however, Elizabeth was the one who made it to a pay phone to call the fire department.

4. Each of us had enough time to get in the hotel’s swimming pool; nevertheless, we were all there on business.

5. There are moments when one needs to think about a situation calmly and for a long time; likewise, there are moments when one needs to make decisions quickly and instinctively.

6. Gina said, “Let’s work as a group”; Peter said, “We should work individually instead”; and Andrew said, “Let’s split the team, and while some can work as a group, others can work individually.”

7. Karen has been painting the kitchen for three hours; all the while, she has been cooking and playing with the dogs.

23.5 1. She told me what her favorite colors were: blue, red, and light olive green.

2. Dear Madam President:

3. It is 5:30 A.M.; why are you calling me so early?

4. There are three main ingredients in a cake: sugar, flour, and eggs.

5. It was time for the lawyer to make his closing statement: “My client is an honest man, a hardworking man, a good husband, and he should not be sitting in this court today.”

6. Nixon said: “Looting and pillaging have nothing to do with civil rights. Starting riots to protest unfair treatment by the state is not the best of solutions.”

7. John has five trophies on his bookshelf: Four of them are from basketball tournaments.

8. The professor made an interesting statement during class: “We have not yet addressed the topic of social revolutions, which is a key component of our present argument.”

23.6 1. Are you serious?

2. Get out of here now!

3. What do you think of the president’s decision to go to war? his views on foreign policy? his thoughts on the economy?

4. Quickly! What are you waiting for?

5. Are you in a hurry?

6. When were you going to tell me?

7. Super!

8. That’s so cool!

9. Do you think the corporation will apologize for unjustly firing those employees? taking away their retirement? not providing them with a severance package?

10. Are you out of your mind!

23.7 1. The sentence refers to each person’s painting methods, so ’s is added to each name.

2. Cassettes is plural, not possessive, so it has no apostrophe.

3. It’s has an apostrophe, because it is the contraction of it is. Its walk has no apostrophe, because its is possessive, referring to the dog’s walk.

4. The 1990s is plural, not possessive, so it has no apostrophe.

5. The Doors is plural and possessive, so it has an apostrophe.

6. Because the two individuals own the car as a couple, ’s is added to the second person’s name only.

23.8 1. The sergeant’s boots were always the shiniest of all.

2. She really likes that about the ’80s.

3. A doctor’s quick intervention can save a life.

4. There are times when the UN’s presence has prevented armed conflict.

5. Who’s winning today?

6. X

7. X

8. Natalie’s new bicycle is red and yellow.

9. The Cutlips’ cat wandered into our garage this morning.

10. Her mother’s and father’s wills were drafted by the lawyer.

23.9 1. I met a woman who said she could make “magic potions.”

2. From what I hear, Joseph said the turning point in the novel is when Carlito tells his cousin, “You should have never worked with Francisco in the first place; he’s not to be trusted.”

3. She read “The Palm-Tree” and was very moved by the poem.

4. What do you think of John Coltrane’s tune “My Favorite Things”?

5. The morning newspaper mentioned that there might be “snow tonight with a chance of hail and strong winds.”

6. His father asked him, “What would you like to do this summer, work or travel?”

7. As Patrick walked away, she hesitated and then screamed, “Will you go out with me?”

8. X (Book titles are italicized.)

9. We analyzed the play The Flies by Jean-Paul Sartre and his famous essay “Americans and Their Myths.” (Titles of plays are italicized.)

10. The song “Organ Donor” is best qualified as “groundbreaking.”

11. The photographer encouraged the model by telling her, “You’re doing really well, but I want you to relax a little more. When the camera is pointed at you, just imagine someone is saying to you, ’You’re the only one that can do this,’ and I want you to believe it!”

23.10 1. Eric could not figure out how to get out of the maze—how silly and useless he felt!

2. The touchdown scored by the Patriots was an 83-yard play.

3. They were once considered wishy-washy.

4. Carla was about to close the front door and thought to herself—do I have everything I need in the bag?

5. The tight-lipped receptionist told the reporters nothing.

6. She detests animal testing, so she never buys Yves Saint-Laurent products.

7. Thirty-two of the 52 figure skaters missed at least one of their jumps.

8. The Security Council voted against three crucial resolutions—an armed attack, a forced embargo, and unified retaliation.

23.11 1. The Skibby Chronicle [published anonymously in the 1530s but now believed to be the work of Poul (elgesen) describes Danish history from 1047 to 1534.

2. As members of the book club, we had to read The Stranger (Albert Camus [1913-1960]) and discuss the novelist’s concept of the absurd.

3. According to historical accounts, the first bridge over the Chattahoochee River there [Columbus, Georgia] was built by John Godwin in 1832-33.

4. They were told there was a heavy load of work that they would have to deal with during the semester: They would have to (1) take two three-hour exams, (2) read 13 books, and (3) write a 50-page essay.

5. Thomas (art Benton (1888-1975) finished his famous Indiana Murals in 1932.

6. Some scholars argue that Michelangelo (noted Italian painter and inventor [1475-1564]) was the quintessential Renaissance man.

24 Capitalization, numbers, and italics

24.1 1. Teresa Malcolm is president of the Ford Rotary Club.

2. In three weeks, we will be traveling through France, Switzerland, and Spain.

3. The night sky was so clear we could see the entire moon, Venus, and Jupiter.

4. As soon as he got home, Patrick felt like putting on his new Adidas swimsuit.

5. The Second World War lasted nearly six years.

6. The novel we bought at the airport was The Da Vinci Code.

7. I visited the Empire State Building when I was in New York.

8. Thelma and John saw the launch of the USS Enterprise.

9. The NAACP is a prominent organization based in the United States.

10. They told her, “We don’t like the proposal you’ve written.”

24.2 1. Marilyn is the president of the Ladies of Grace at her church.

2. Some restaurants in Los Angeles serve Americanized European food.

3. Members of all faiths gathered on campus to protest, including Christians, Jews, Muslims, and (indus.

4. “The Red Wheelbarrow” by William Carlos Williams is one of the most profound poems I’ve read.

5. They came from the Eastern states in search of gold.

6. We read Of Mice and Men last week for class.

7. The CIA agent said he often works with FBI investigators, as well as with representatives of the FAA.

8. A speaker from the National Transportation Safety Board gave a presentation on the most common accidents that took place on Interstate 66.

24.3 1. An important date to remember is November 17, 1959.

2. The city paid $34.7 million to build the tower.

3. It took five out of nine members to reach a consensus.

4. In Europe, the 1970s were marked by social and political change.

5. Turn to page 109, which should be chapter 12.

6. The morning temperature was 47 degrees Fahrenheit, or 8 degrees Celsius.

7. X

8. They drove down Interstate 34 to the lake.

9. The Second Battle of Bull Run was fought from August 28 to 30, 1862.

24.4 1. We installed Windows Vista on our desktop today.

2. Jason’s Spanish literature class read Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

3. They reviewed the case of The People v. Robert Page Anderson for their law class.

4. He invited 10 of his closest friends, but more than 90 people showed up.

5. Did you get a copy of the Atlantic Monthly?

6. The lawyer working on Miller v. Wilson offered his services pro bono.

7. The Baton Rouge Advocate gave us information about visiting the Garden District.

8. The detective speculated about the criminal’s modus operandi.

Appendix Review exercises

A.1 1. have to

2. has to be able to

3. is able to

4. should be

5. had better

6. am going to have to

7. am going to

8. had better be able to

A.2 1. Have you met, have ever had

2. are you doing, am trying, is jamming, be putting OR put, will probably hurt

3. is sitting, see, certainly looks

4. is, was running, came, fell, don’t, Are, were, seems, be suffering

5. Are you taking, am not, have you ever taken, have, did you take, taught or was teaching, am taking, )s, was taking or took, was, was

6. spent, had never been, did you do, drove, thought

7. has been, rained, dropped, is, was shining, changes, knows, am, will have frozen

8. went, Was it, didn’t, enjoyed, did you see, had never seen, saw, went, thought, was, didn’t

A.3 1. is [going]

2. should [open]

3. is [going]

4. don’t have to [paint]

5. Are supposed to [get]

6. should have to [pay]

7. is going to [open]

8. have been [running]

9. should be able to [stay]

10. has been [playing]

A.4 1. Kenji has been studying Portuguese. OR Kenji is studying Portuguese.

2. Juan has lived in Madrid for two years.

3. He has to come back to meet us here.

4. My father, Raoul, who studied mathematics with my uncle, is looking for a job.

5. After work, Anjali will be going to the pub. OR After work, Anjali will go to the pub.

6. Last week, Mark was able to visit the president’s office.

7. The soil is dry. They will not be able to plant vegetables there.

8. He doesn’t like his neighbors, because they’re too noisy.

9. They didn’t have any problems with the rental car.

10. I have been learning a lot since I began doing my exercises.

11. Are you thinking of buying another car soon?

12. She was visiting many monuments when she was in Rome. OR She visited many monuments when she was in Rome.

13. I didn’t see a single beautiful sunset.

14. He couldn’t forget her after the love affair.

15. He is always attempting to catch the students cheating. or He was always attempting to catch the students cheating.

16. Sometimes when I cross the street, I don’t look to see if a car is coming.

17. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time now. OR I’ve thought about it for a long time now.

18. I feel my English grammar might be improving. OR I feel my English grammar might improve.

19. Mrs. Gilmore was sad, because her son had to go back to the front lines.

20. All my friends can help me become a better person.

A.5 1. painters

2. classes

3. X

4. laws

5. workers

6. societies

7. customs

A.6 1. be

2. be or have been

3. have

4. had

5. have

6. did

7. have

8. is

A.7 Answers may vary.

1. This is a sentence fragment or a dependent clause: Teaching math to smart students is interesting. or I love teaching math to smart students.

2. X (Listen! is an imperative.)

3. This is a sentence fragment or a dependent clause: If you want to observe what is taking place, you should stand up.

4. X

5. This is a sentence fragment: The European Union is composed of many different countries.

6. This sentence needs a period at the end: I already ran three miles.

7. The first word of this sentence needs to begin with a capital letter: Before I walked in, I rang the bell, hoping someone would open the door.

8. This is a sentence fragment: There are many different photographs in that dusty, black book.

9. This is a sentence fragment: Peter has many children.

10. X (Open is an imperative.)

11. X

12. X

13. The main clause of this sentence is missing a subject: If your friend is a lawyer, he doesn’t have to worry about finding a job.

14. This sentence has redundant subjects: Madrid is the capital of Spain. or It is the capital of Spain.

15. This sentence is missing a verb: Also, he is very smart, quiet, and polite.

A.8 Answers may vary.

1. When I was younger, I thought the earth was flat.

2. X

3. My favorite color was red, because it reminded me of my sister.

4. He hates horror movies because he gets scared immediately.

5. X

6. She is back: It’s the end of spring semester at UCLA.

7. To paint this wall, you need a special brush.

8. Elvis is over there with Tupac and Biggie, and they look happy.

9. You will get a free subscription. In addition, you will receive a free towel, a matching bathrobe, a sticker, and a silver pen.

10. Once you have done all your stretching, run for two miles or so.

11. X

12. When the water is boiling, put the pasta in the pot.

13. After the sun comes up, we can begin hiking up the mountain.

A.9 1. be promoted

2. give

3. knock

4. be

5. have

6. be studied, (be) stopped

7. be allowed

8. be postponed

9. remain

10. be named

11. take

12. write

13. meet

14. talk

15. join

16. be

17. be admitted

18. not be

19. return

20. not tell

A.10 1. The private and public sectors in Africa need to work closely together.

2. It is undeniable that armed conflict makes things worse.

3. They sit on the bench and feel that the judge condemns them for no apparent reason.

4. Many families in this area who don’t own houses feel that they should get interest-free loans.

A.11 1. is worn

2. was invented

3. spelled

4. will be built

5. is scheduled

6. was confused

7. were frightened

8. was offered

9. was expected

10. was reported

11. was killed OR had been killed

12. was ordered

13. was caused

14. will be divided

A.12 1. When we get older, we can do a lot of things.

2. Pedro ate a few pieces of cheese with his enchilada.

3. He read some books at the public library before they closed.

4. Last year, I gave him Star Wars and Indiana Jones for Christmas, but I don’t know if he ever watched those movies.

5. There are too many people in this car.

6. My little sister is only three years old, but she seems older.

7. We had not been to Portugal in six years.

8. X

9. If you want to form your own opinion, you should read many news articles and watch many kinds of documentaries.

10. In addition to the art gallery, there are a lot of beautiful places to visit.

A.13 1. She will be going to Dallas to visit her brother.

2. Patrick has known me since I was six years old.

3. He has been living in Lisbon for years, but we still keep in touch via e-mail.

4. When I get to Peter’s house, he will have to open the front door.

5. I soon noticed that Paul didn’t drive very well. Among other things, he didn’t respect the speed limit on the highways.

6. Paul knows that he should be taking driving classes.

7. If he were to move back home, he could help his mom more and he could take care of her on a daily basis.

8. Vanessa should do her shopping at Trader Joe’s.

9. I am taking the GRE next month, and I am quite nervous.

A.14 1. In terms of transportation, cars are a basic part of modern life.

2. The automobile has made it possible for people to travel many miles from their homes.

3. X

4. Students study more than they used to and learn about more things than they used to.

5. Life expectancy is much greater than it was a hundred years ago.

A.15 1. The ten districts in this city have decided to build more modern­ looking buildings.

2. Some cities in Argentina surprise tourists with their architecture.

3. Often, the term “third-world country” makes people think of crime and poverty.

4. X

5. The graduate courses are very difficult; you feel like everyone else understands and you don’t.

6. Study a lot, and you will get many of the answers right.

7. If a student doesn’t understand the answer to his or her question, he or she should feel comfortable enough to ask again.

8. All students have to take the two parts of the exam.

9. These drills cannot prove the ability of the nurses, because the nurses simply execute certain emergency procedures.

10. There are two kinds of people in this company: honest people and greedy people.

11. There are many problems at my office, but one problem is the lack of motivation.

12. Any person whose parents are seriously sick worries about their health.

13. You can find many kinds of people working in our office.

14. Italian ice cream is so delicious. I’m pretty sure you’ll like it.

15. When I first came to this hotel, I didn’t like the food, but now I like it very much.

16. That was the first time I bought my own furniture. I enjoyed picking it out, and I felt like an adult.

17. The people who share my apartment are friendly, but they’re messy.

18. There are six freshly planted trees on my street.

19. If you drive when you’re too tired, you might cause an accident.

20. I left my wallet and my keys on the counter. When I came back, I couldn’t find them anymore.

21. Everyone wants to be successful and be in good health.

22. Count the money again before you put it in the envelope.

23. Every person should help improve his or her neighborhood.

A.16 1. X

2. Christine enjoys walking along the river. She likes that it’s so peaceful.

3. My boyfriend’s mother is an attorney. She works for important people.

4. X

5. He needed a coffee table and a couch, but he decided he could live without them.

6. My cousins are all younger than I, but they are taller than I am.

7. Japan is a small country. It has a long history.

8. Many people in the world are learning English. These people want to improve their language skills and get better jobs.

9. If the tourists go to Puerto Rico, they should visit Old San Juan. They ought to try the food, too, because it’s delicious.

10. All his ideas come from dreams, and he tries to make these dreams reality.

11. Mrs. Hutchinson put her jacket back on.

A.17 1. This government has been run by Cardinal Richelieu since 1626.

2. I’m quite excited to see her again.

3. I am so happy. Finally, I passed the exam.

4. They’re not sure if the problem will be worked out by tomorrow.

5. I’m interested in advanced technology.

6. The other colors have to be changed.

7. We need to love someone and be loved.

8. This question can be decided by taking into account all the information we’ve gathered.

9. I like the people there, because they’re very educated.

10. I like the way math is taught in her class.

11. This store is located on the third floor of the mall.

A.18 1. was offered

2. was held up, took

3. is spent

4. was not admitted, had already begun

5. were working, occurred

6. generally delivers

7. will be used

8. was studying, is finally getting OR has been studying, has finally gotten

9. are being sold

10. will never be forgotten

11. arrive, will be met, will be wearing, will be standing

12. has been or was, lost, dropped, was walking, broke, was stolen

A.19 1. is produced

2. saw, was interviewed

3. are controlled, are determined

4. blew, cost

5. is being treated

6. is exposed, affects

7. was poisoned

8. is supported

9. was told

10. will probably be lost

11. were sent

12. will be developed, have already been tested