Wild Animals in North America

Grammar activities (Elementary) - Coleen Degnan-Veness 2003

Wild Animals in North America

Complete the texts with the verbs, using the correct form of the present simple.

Match texts 1-3 with the pictures A - C.

Example: A lot of wild animals live (live) in north America.

1. Raccoons (1) ... (come) from the forests of north America. The mother raccoon (2) ... (have) four, five or six babies in spring. The babies (3) ... (not I can) see

anything for about three weeks. They (4) ... (stay) with their parents for the first year.

2. The skunk also (5) ... (live) in north America. The skunk (6) ... (have got) a bad smell and it (7) ... (use) the smell to fight other animals and people. The skunk's smell (8) ... (not / go away) easily or quickly! Skunks (9) ... (eat) insects and other small animals.

3. Coyotes (10) ... (look) like wolves, but they (11) ... (be) different. Wolves usually (12) ... (stay) with other wolves, but coyotes (13) ... (not like) company: they (14) ... (prefer) to be alone. Coyotes (15) ... (be) intelligent. They (16) ... (eat) a lot of different animals, and their favourite food is rabbits. South Dakota (17) ... (be) the Coyote State! Did you know that?

Match texts 1-3 with the pictures A - C.