Real Grammar - Susan Conrad, Douglas Biber 2009

Real Grammar - Susan Conrad, Douglas Biber 2009

To the Student

To the Teacher


Unit 1 Did you want more coffee?

Simple Past Tense in Polite Offers

Unit 2 He's looking at me…

Progressive Verbs vs. Simple Verbs

Unit 3 Studies have shown…

Discovery Verbs and Existence Verbs

Unit 4 I didn’t get a chance…

Meanings of Get

Unit 5 Did you have fun today?

Meanings of Have + Noun Phrase

Unit 6 It really made a difference…

Meanings of Make + Noun Phrase

Unit 7 Let’s take a look at it

Meanings of Take + Noun Phrase

Unit 8 I felt good about it

Linking Verbs

Unit 9 Tell me that story

Verbs with Two Objects

Unit 10 Reports suggest that…

Action Verbs with inanimate Subjects

Unit 11 I might go to Japan

Possibility Modals

Unit 12 A compromise must be reached

Necessity Medals

Unit 13 Come on!

Phrasal Verbs

Unit 14 I can’t think of his name now

Verb + Preposition

Unit 15 I have to get out of here

There-Word Phrasal Verbs

Unit 16 No significant difference was found

Passive Voice

Unit 17 The accident was caused by failure of…

Passives with a By-Phrase

Unit 18 Further details can be found in…

Passive Verb + Preposition

Unit 19 That’s an important thing to know

The Nouns People and Thing

Unit 20 I love fitness and stuff like that

Imprecise Noun Phrases

Unit 21 The chair of the committee

Nonsexist language Choices

Unit 22 The introduction of technology

The Definite Article

Unit 23 Yeah, that’s right!

The Pronouns This and That

Unit 24 He did a nice job

The Adjectives Good and Nice

Unit 25 Do this quick

Adjective and Adverb Choices

Unit 26 That’s pretty weird

Amplifiers and Downtoners

Unit 27 Women are different from men

Adjective + Preposition

Unit 28 It looks pretty awful though

Though and Anyway

Unit 29 Finally, on the negative side…


Unit 30 It would thus appear that…

Positions of Transitions

Unit 31 I don’t think it will be a problem

Verb + Noun Clause for Uncertainty

Unit 32 I think I can find it

Deletion of That in Noun Clauses

Unit 33 She seemed to like him a lot

Verb + Infinitive

Unit 34 We couldn’t stop laughing

Verb + Gerund

Unit 35 This is what happens

Be + Noun Clause

Unit 36 It is possible that…

That-Clauses or infinitive Phrases for Attitudes

Unit 37 … and she goes oh don’t worry

Reporting What Someone Said

Unit 38 The authors argue that…

Reporting What Someone Wrote

Unit 39 Evidence for life on Mars

Modifiers in Noun Phrases

Unit 40 Voter registration procedures

Adjectives and Nouns to Modify a Noun

Unit 41 A question which is often asked

Adjective Clauses and Relative Pronoun Choice

Unit 42 That’s the way I look at it

Adjective Clauses with Adverb Meanings

Unit 43 Is there anything I can do?

Pronouns Modified by Adjective Clauses

Unit 44 I’ve got a lot to do

Noun + Infinitive

Unit 45 The approach used in nursing

Adjective Phrases

Unit 46 A number of reasons

Prepositional Phrases Modifying Nouns

Unit 47 He saluted me, which I enjoyed

Adjective Clauses That Modify Sentences

Unit 48 Well, I better get going

Discourse Markers

Unit 49 Me too

Incomplete Sentences

Unit 50 The stuff thought you could use

Complex Grammar in Conversation