22. Phrasal verb bring or “Upbringing”

English Grammar through Stories - Alan Townend 1973

22. Phrasal verb bring or “Upbringing”

In this story you will see many examples of what are called Phrasal Verbs. These are simply verbs that consist of two parts — the verb + a preposition.

Our current story focuses on the verb bring used with different prepositions. Let me tell you the meaning of one of them — bring up. The simple verb bring usually means to take something or someone with you as in these sentences:

“Don't forget to bring your passport when you come to the airport.” “Please bring a friend when you come to the party tonight.”

When you add a preposition to bring, you create a new verb and a new meaning. Bring up, means to educate a child and look after it until is an adult. Look at this sentence:

“Charlie's parents were killed in a road accident and so he was brought up by his aunt and uncle.”

Now read the short story and try to work out what the phrasal verbs mean.


Sheila Hammond was only twenty-three when she was elected as a Member of Parliament, the youngest woman member in its whole history. Naturally the press showed a great interest in her and her family, invariably asking her how she had managed to be elected at such a young age. Her answer never altered. She owed it all to the way she had been brought up by her mother, Mary. Her father had died of a heart attack when she was only two after his business had been brought down following a financial scandal. Criminal charges had been brought against him but the matter was closed on his death. The press decided to bring up this information without being able to get at the truth thanks to Mary's skillful management. In fact during the election as Sheila went round from house to house canvassing, Mary would always bring up the rear. It was difficult sometimes to work out who was standing for Parliament, Sheila or Mary. Her mother had observed early on that Sheila was very good at defending herself and always arguing her case well, which had decided her to bring her daughter on in the art of public speaking. The awareness that Sheila had had all her life about her father's apparent “disgrace” brought her up against the necessity constantly to be on her guard. Sheila had never really explained what her father had done. All she would hint at was that the whole business had brought shame on the family name, although her father was totally innocent.

Sheila coped admirably in her first few days, using her negotiating skills to the full. After only six weeks in the job she even managed to bring about a reconciliation between two of her colleagues who were having a petty dispute and also succeeded in bringing a matter before her minister, which saved him some embarrassment and for which he was very grateful. Her name was becoming known both in the House of Commons and also in her constituency where her efficiency was even bringing round to her point of view those electors who had voted against her.

Everything seemed to be going her way. She was on the point of bringing off a very difficult task given to her by her minister when she found herself being brought back to earth with a bang. Another young politician, a bit older than her, was also trying to make his name and he was able to bring about what she had failed to achieve in time. From then on there was great rivalry between the two, which brought about a lively debate in the national press. Although her natural courage and strong character brought her through this stressful time, for some reason Sheila had taken a strong dislike to David Evans. She even brought her mother in on the concerns she was expressing to colleagues about her sense of unease whenever she had any dealings with the man. Her mother, she was convinced, had shuddered at the mention of the name “Evans”.

At the end of the first year just before the summer recess, a revelation was brought to light, which was to change Sheila's life. The celebrated Mr Evans was brought before the court and found guilty of a financial irregularity. His political career was brought to an abrupt end. This news brought out the worst in the tabloid press, which brought up everything they could concerning Evans and his family. It wasn't long before one newspaper brought the discussion round to the subject of Mr Evans senior. Within weeks during the summer holiday one major paper brought out the details of the case concerning the late Mr Evans senior. He too had been responsible for a financial scandal but the blame had attached to Sheila's father. At the news Mary had fainted. As Sheila brought her mother round with smelling salts, she assured the press as she always did by affirming that they way you were was solely the result of the way you were brought up.

Vocabulary Explanations

brought up by her mother

reared/educated by her mother

his business had been brought down

his business had gone bankrupt

criminal charges had been brought against him

he had been faced with criminal charges

bring up this information

reveal this information

Mary would always bring up the rear

Mary would always be there in the background

she decided to bring her daughter on in the art of public speaking

she decided to develop her daughter's public speaking skills

the awareness brought her up against

the awareness had forced her into being cautious

the whole business had brought shame on the family name

the whole business had dishonoured the family name

bring about a reconciliation

effect a reconciliation

was even bringing round to

was even convincing

bringing off

achieving success

he was able to bring about

he succeeded in (+ing)

which brought about a lively debate

which caused a lively debate

she even brought her mother in on

she even involved her mother

was brought to light

was revealed

Mr. Evans was brought before the court

Mr. Evans was charged

his political career was brought to an abrupt end

his political career ended precipitately

This news brought out the worst

This news caused the worst to come out

brought the discussion round to steered the discussion towards

one major paper brought out the details

one major paper published the details

Sheila brought her mother round

Sheila revived her mother

the way you were brought up

the way you were reared

Here will see some sentences (in italics) as they occur in the story with a re-written version below.

Some of the sentences in italics are abridged.

She owed it all to the way she had been brought up by her mother, Mary.

She owed it all to the way her mother, Mary, had reared her.

Her father had died of a heart attack when she was only two after his business had been brought down following a financial scandal.

Her father had died of a heart attack when she was only two after his business had gone bankrupt following a financial scandal.

Criminal charges had been brought against him but the matter was closed on his death. He had been faced with criminal charges but the matter was concluded after he died.

The press decided to bring up this information without being able to get at the truth thanks to Mary's skilful management.

The press decided to make this information public with being able to reveal the truth due to Mary's professional management.

In fact during the election as Sheila went round from house to house canvassing, Mary would always bring up the rear. In fact during the election as Sheila went round from door to door promoting her candidacy, Mary would always be there in the background.

Her mother had observed early on that Sheila was very good at sticking up for herself and always arguing her case well, which had decided her to bring her daughter on in the art of public speaking. Her mother had noticed early on that Sheila was very good at standing her own ground and always fighting her case well, which had decided her to develop her daughter's public speaking skills.

The awareness that Sheila had had all her life about her father's apparent “disgrace” brought her up against the necessity constantly to be on her guard.

The realization that Sheila had always about her father's so-called “shame” had forced her into being cautious all the time.

All she would hint at was that the whole business had brought shame on the family name, although her father was totally innocent.

All she would point out was that the whole business had dishonoured the family name, although her father was not at fault at all.

After only six weeks in the job she even managed to bring about a reconciliation between two of her colleagues who were having a petty dispute and also succeeded in bringing a matter before her minister...

Only six weeks after she had entered the job she even managed to effect a settlement between two of her colleagues who were having a quarrel and also succeeded in raising a topic with her minister...

Her name was becoming known both in the House of Commons and also in her constituency where her efficiency was even bringing round to her point of view those electors who had voted against her. Her name was becoming popular both in the House of Commons as well as in her constituency where her competence was even

convincing those electors who had voted against her.

She was on the point of bringing off a very difficult task given to her by her minister when she found herself being brought back to earth with a bang.

She was about to achieve success in a very difficult project her minister had given her when she suddenly was faced with reality again.

Another young politician, a bit older than her, was also trying to make his name and he was able to bring about what she had failed to achieve in time.

Another young politician, a bit older than her, was also trying to make a name for himself and he succeeded in accomplishing what she had failed to achieve in time.

From then on there was great rivalry between the two, which brought about a lively debate in the national press.

From then on there was a huge competition between the two which caused a colourful discussion in the national press.

She even brought her mother in on the concerns she was expressing to colleagues about her sense of unease whenever she had any dealings with the man.

She even involved her mother in the misgivings she was pointing out to colleagues about the her discomfort she felt whenever she had any business with the man.

At the end of the first year just before the summer recess, a revelation was brought to light, which was to change Sheila's life. At the end of the first year shortly before the summer break, a fact was revealed, which was to alter Sheila's life.

The celebrated Mr. Evans was brought before the court and found guilty of a financial irregularity.

The famous Mr. Evans was successfully charged with having committed a financial misdemeanor.

His political career was brought to an abrupt end.

His political career ended suddenly.

This news brought out the worst in the tabloid press, which brought up everything they could concerning Evans and his family.

This message caused the yellow press to dig up the dirt on Evans and his family.

It wasn't long before one newspaper brought the discussion round to the subject of Mr Evans senior.

It didn't take long for one newspaper to steer the debate towards the issue of Mr Evans' father.

Within weeks during the summer holiday one major paper brought out the details of the case concerning the late Mr Evans senior.

Within weeks during the summer break one major newspaper published the details of the case regarding the deceased Mr Evans


As Sheila brought her mother round with smelling salts, she assured the press as she always did by affirming that they way you were was solely the result of the way you were brought up.

As Sheila revived her mother with ammoniac, she once again told the press that they way you were was entirely the result of the way you were reared.