Capitalize Names of Places and Events - Chapter 11 Capitalization and Abbreviations - Part 4 A Writers Tools

English Grammar for the Utterly Confused - Laurie Rozakis 2003

Capitalize Names of Places and Events
Chapter 11 Capitalization and Abbreviations
Part 4 A Writers Tools

1. Capitalize names of geographical places and sections of the country.

Europe Asia United States of America

Lake Superior Venus Yellowstone National Park

2. Capitalize a compass point when it identifies a specific area of the country.

We live in the South.

The West is still wild and untamed.

3. Don’t capitalize a compass point when it refers to direction.

The storm is coming from the south.

Drive west 4 miles and turn left at the shopping center.

4. Capitalize the names of specific historical events, eras, and documents.

the Revolutionary War Reconstruction

the Declaration of Independence the Gettysburg Address