Past tense and past participle - Introduction - Part II The parts of speech

Grammar for Everyone - Barbara Dykes 2007

Past tense and past participle
Part II The parts of speech

I done it - I did it

This is an error of tense resulting from confusion between the past tense and the past participle (see pages 117-8). Here the past tense is required:

He did it.

Other verb forms similary misused:

We brang our books for we brought.

I aren’t going for I am not or I'm not.

I could have went for I could have gone.

Double negatives

In maths, we learn that two minuses make a plus. Logically, in language likewise, two negatives make a positive.

So: we did n’t have no water, means we did have (some) water. We’re not going no where, means we are going somewhere.


We did n't have hardly any rain.

Hardly or hardly any mean scarcely, so the implication above is that the rain wasn’t scarce.