The definite article - Introduction - Part II The parts of speech

Grammar for Everyone - Barbara Dykes 2007

The definite article
Part II The parts of speech

This one, on the other hand, refers to a specific thing and therefore indicates a more accurate reference.

For example:

Don’t forget to ask the driver to tell you when you should get off the bus.


6.1 Activities: articles

1. Students in turn practise making sentences and gesturing for the articles as described above.

2. Read a passage - or students read - aloud and make the appropriate gesture for each article as it is read.

3. Students read aloud and a mark is noted for each misread ’nothing word’ - the lowest score is the best result.

4. Students draw their own cartoon illustrating the two gestures.

Checklist: adverbs

Students should now be able to:

• explain and demonstrate the difference in use between a/an and the

• correctly use and write a or an before a given noun