The indirect object - Introduction - Part II The parts of speech

Grammar for Everyone - Barbara Dykes 2007

The indirect object
Part II The parts of speech

Definition: The indirect object cannot be found by asking th question ’What?’ It is the person or thing to whom or for whom the action of the verb takes place, that is, the person or thin affected by that action.

For example:

Joe passed me a note.

Ask ’What?’ And you have the direct object which is a ’note’. As to whom or for whom and the answer is me; me is the indirec object.

I sent him a reply. Mrs Clobber gave the class detention.

In these examples him and the class are indirect objects.

15.2 Activities: indirect objects

1. Students mark the indirect objects in these sentences.

a. My parents bought me a guitar.

b. Can I play you a tune?

c. Show the class your guitar.

d. Sing us a song too.

e. Give Mr Wells a go.

2. Students add indirect objects to these sentences.

a. Jack bought a ring.

b. He showed the ring.

c. Carrie cooked dinner.

d. Their parents congratulated.

e. We’ll send wedding invitations.

3. Can students change the sentences in the above two exercises by adding extra words? For example: from 1a - My parents bought a guitar for me.

They write the sentences in their grammar exercise books.

4. Are the words in bold print direct or indirect objects? These can be answered orally, written or both.

a. Jennifer tore a page of her book.

b. I lent her the Sellotape.

c. She showed her teacher the book.

d. The Mayor has given all of us a holiday.

e. We’ve bought you tickets for the concert.

5. Using the following verbs, students write sentences each containing an indirect object.

a. take

b. has written

c. offered

d. should bring

e. write

f. will cook

g. drove

h. weigh

i. sold

j. pour

6. Students diagram the following sentences to show the subject, verb, direct object and indirect object.

a. Uncle Ben drew Dad a plan of his house.

b. The mice left them a horrible mess.

c. The band played everyone their favourite tunes.

d. The council sent our neighbour a letter of complaint.

e. The farmer dug us a bag of potatoes.

7. For each of the following words, students write two sentences, firstly using them as a direct object and secondly as an indirect object.

a. the prime minister

b. the crowd