Adverbial phrases - Introduction - Part II The parts of speech

Grammar for Everyone - Barbara Dykes 2007

Adverbial phrases
Part II The parts of speech

As the name suggests these phrases give more information about the action of the verb. They modify verbs in just the same way that single adverbs do. And, just like adverbs, they give answers to the questions: When? - time; Where? - place; How? - manner; Why? - reason etc.

For example - adverbial phrases modifying the verb ’caught’:

Jack caught a huge fish just before sunset. [time]

Jack caught a huge fish in the causeway. [place]

Jack caught a huge fish with his new rod. [manner]

Jack caught a huge fish to have for supper. [reason]

Adjectival and adverbial phrases, like single adjectives and adverbs, must be placed as closely as possible to the words that they qualify or modify, otherwise they may give quite the wrong meaning.

For example:

The fishermen sold us a huge crab with a long beard. or The fisherman with a long beard sold us a huge crab.