1 verb forms and their names - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

1 verb forms and their names
Upper Intermediate

1 C: continuous. See 10.3.

2 D, E and G are not the names of English verb forms. See 10.5.

3 A. Present progressive.

B. Future perfect.

C. (Simple) future.

D. Simple present.

E. Future progressive.

F. Future perfect progressive.

See 10.5.

4 A. Past progressive.

B. Past perfect.

C. Simple past.

D. Present perfect.

E. Past perfect progressive.

F. Present perfect progressive.

See 10.5.

5 A. Passive. G. Active.

B. Active. H. Wrong.

C. Passive. I. Wrong.

D. Wrong. J. Passive.

E. Active. K. Active.

F. Passive.

See 10.5 and 412.2.

6 A. Past perfect.

B. Infinitive.

C. Past progressive.

D. Present progressive.

E. Present perfect.

F. Simple past.

See 412.2.

7 They are both very unusual. See 412.2.

8 A. can’t

B. see

C. am... invited

D. hates

See 'language terminology’, pages xvii-xxv.

9 A. have, was

B. done

C. looking at

See 'language terminology', pages xvii-xxv.