17 prepositions - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

17 prepositions
Upper Intermediate

2 A. Wrong.

C. Right.

E. Wrong.

B. Right.

D. Right.

See 454.

3 A. at

B. on

C. in

D. for

See 449.

4 All of them go with to (not with). See 449.

5 A. Right.

B. Right.

C. Wrong. Should be: I got out of....

D. Right.

See 449.

6 A. of B. of See 449.

7 A. to B. toС. X See 449.

8 A. in B. in C. on See 450.

9 Sally (in time); Jim (on time). See 450.

10 All of them. See 451.2.

11 A. Right. B. Wrong.

See 451.4.

12 Both of them. See 451.5.

13 A. in B. in C. on D. on E. in See 81.1-5.

14 A. on; at. See 82.1.

B. in; at. See 82.2.

C. at. See 82.4.

D. on. See 82.4.

15 hitting; with. See 119.1.

16 A., for B. for, during

See 167.

17 A. Both. B. during C. during

See 168.

18 A. Right.

B. Wrong. Should be instead (without of). See 301.1 and 301.3.

19 A. like B. like C.like D.as E. Both. See 326.1. For D, see 326.7 and for E, see 326.2 and 326.3.

20 A. opposite B. in front of C.facing See 402.1 and 402.2.