27 words (1): similar words - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

27 words (1): similar words
Upper Intermediate

1 A. First B. at first C. first D. Atfirst See 84.

2 A. Besides B. beside C. besides See 101.

3 A and B. See 127.1.

4 B. See 127.2.

5 A. clothing B. cloth See 133.

6 A. experiments

C. experiences

B. experience

D. experience

See 197.

7 All of them are right except C. See 201.

8 A. male

C. masculine

B. masculine

D. male

See 203.

9 A. funny B. fun C. funny D. fun See 210.

10 A. Both. B. older

See 176.

11 A. Wrong. Should be It’s.

B. Right. (It's = It has)

C. Wrong. Should be its.

D. Wrong. Should be its (its’ is never used).

See 305.

12 It’s wrong. Loosing should be losing, loose is correct. See 332.

13 A and D. See 382.

14 Both. See 382.

15 C. If you answered A, see 468.