6 modal verbs (2): will, would, used to, must, should, ought - Upper Intermediate

Grammar Scan - Michael Swan David Baker 2008

6 modal verbs (2): will, would, used to, must, should, ought
Upper Intermediate

1 Both are right. See 629.5 and 360.1.

2 C. See 359.1.

3 B. See 359.6.

4 B. See 360.4.

5 Both are right. See 519.1 and 520.1.

6 All three are wrong. The correct forms are: A. He ought to understand.

B. Ought we to go now?

C. She ought to see a dentist.

See 403.1.

7 Wrong. It should be: I ought to have called ... . See 403.5.

8 Only В is possible. See 230.1 and 230.2.

9 B. See 230.2.

10 A. Wrong. Should be: I smoke ....

See 604.2.

B. Right.