
The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002


We are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:

A. P. Watt Limited on behalf of Jan Morris for an extract from Among the Cities by Jan Morris; Cambridge University Press for extracts from Exploring Spoken English by R. Carter and M. McCarthy (1987); Her Majesty’s Stationery Office for extracts from The Highway Code; The National Trust Magazine for an extract from The National Trust Magazine No. 95, Spring 2002; Ordnance Survey and Jarrold Publishing for an extract from Pathfinder Guides: Dartmoor Walks by Brian Conduit and John Brooks; Oxford University Press for extracts from Britain by James O’Driscoll © Oxford University Press 1995; Penguin Books Limited for extracts from Pole to Pole by Michael Palin, and The Brimstone Wedding by Barbara Vine; Saga Publishing Limited for an extract from Saga Magazine February 2002; and World Cancer Research Fund for an extract adapted from ’Losing weight and keeping it off’ by Chris McLaughlin published in World Cancer Research Fund Newsletter Issue 45, Winter 2001.