16.1. Vocatives - Unit sixteen. Addressing

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

16.1. Vocatives
Unit sixteen. Addressing

Sections 349-350

Vocatives such as Alice, Mr Pym, Dr Hyde are often used to get someone’s attention.

Other vocatives mark the speaker’s relation to the hearer. They can range from formal (Sir, My Lord, Your Excellency) to informal (daddy, my dear).

Some occupational vocatives (waiter, driver) may sound impolite. A good alternative in such cases is the expression Excuse me!

Task **

Add suitable vocatives to the sentences below, taking into account the addressee(s) mentioned in brackets.

1. I’m sorry it took me so long to answer your letter. (your pen friend Sarah)

2. Your European allies are fully behind you. (the elected leader of the United States)

3. Come over here! (your brother Eric)

4. Could you put me through to Mrs Alice Hawkins, please. (telephone operator)

5. I wish you a very happy birthday. (your grandmother)

6. May I have your attention, please. (a mixed audience of adults)

7. The witness has been traumatized by the events. (an American judge)

8. Shall I prepare you a candle-lit dinner tonight? (your sweetheart)

9. Report back in ten minutes! (private Harry Slocombe)

10. Can I use your car tomorrow? (your father)

11. Do you think I’ll make a complete recovery? (your GP)

12. Please accept our sincere apologies. (the ambassador of Australia)