16.2. Commands - Unit sixteen. Addressing

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

16.2. Commands
Unit sixteen. Addressing

Sections 497-498

2nd person commands involve the use of the imperative verb, often accompanied by the downtoner please: Shut the door (please).

The only auxiliary used in commands is do, also in combination with be: Stay here./Do be quiet.

The implied subject you is sometimes expressed overtly, although this can sound impolite: You stay


1st and 3rd person commands often involve the use of the verb let:

- Let me answer your question first./Let’s go now.

- Let each nation decide its own fate./Someone help me, please.

Task one **

Complete the following extracts using one of the imperative forms below:


Teign-e-ver Bridge leads onto an island formed where the river divides. ... the island by the other bridge and ... for Scorhill Circle to the north. ... the meandering track that passes to the right of the stone circle. (...)

... careful not to miss the deflection from the main track at the first clearing. ... half-right here along a lovely path that threads through bluebells and begins to descend steeply. When it reaches the river, ... right along a shady riverside path until you reach the footbridge. ... here and ... a steep path to reach a broad drive at the top. (...)

At the top the gate through which the footpath passes bears a sign saying, ’... of the Bull’. ... the hedge on the left to a gate at the top of the field (the bull, one hopes, being busy elsewhere).

(adapted from Dartmoor Walks, p. 47)

Task two **

Rephrase the sentences below, using a 1st or 3rd person command.

1. I would just like to give you another example.

2. I would like the two of us to go for a drink.

3. I would like somebody to move all that stuff out of the way.

4. I think they’d better eat cake.

5. It would be better not to pretend that we support the idea.

6. I would like to warn you just one more time.

7. We had better settle the problem once and for all.

8. There should be no doubt at all about our resolve.

9. I would like us to move as fast as we can.

10. I don’t really want to detain you any longer.