2.3. Describing emotions 1 - Unit two TWO. Emotion

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

2.3. Describing emotions 1
Unit two TWO. Emotion

Sections 306-308; 499

The cause of an emotive reaction to something can be expressed by:

prepositions: at (events), with (persons and objects), about and of

to-infinitive clause or that-clause (with or without should)

subject (active constructions) or by-agent (passive constructions).

more impersonal constructions: the person affected by the emotion can be identified by a phrase introduced by to or for.

Some sentence adverbials, including comment clauses, can express an emotional reaction or judgement.

Task one *

Match the clauses in the left-hand column with the structures in the right-hand one.



Task two **

Rewrite the following sentences, using sentence adverbials corresponding to the underlined adjectives and verbs.

Example: It is surprising that nobody complained about what had happened.Surprisingly, nobody complained about what had happened.

1. It was amazing that most passengers of the crashed airliner escaped unhurt.

2. I would like to buy a flat, and would prefer to have one with a good view.

3. It is tragic that five skiers died in the avalanche.

4. Barbara was foolish to carry thousands of dollars in her handbag.

5. It is unfortunate that too little is being done to protect the environment.

6. I regretted that some people failed to appreciate my point of view.

7. I was lucky not to be at home when the gas explosion occurred.

8. It was quite sensible of the government to launch a new campaign against drink-driving.

9. It is to be hoped that the economy will pick up again later this year.

10. We had not expected the minister to hand in his resignation.

Task three **

Complete the sentences in the following dialogue, adding the most appropriate of the comment clauses listed below. Use each clause just once.


Max: Nora, we can no longer afford to stay in this lavish apartment, ... . ..., we’ll have to move to a cheaper place.

Nora: I don’t know what to say, .. .

Max: I may soon be made redundant, ... . ..., I lost a considerable amount of money in a risky project a few weeks ago.

Nora: Erm ... there is a way out, ..., if at least you are prepared to listen to me first.

Max: ... I will listen to you.

Nora: Well, there is this dear cousin of mine who was born with, ..., a silver spoon in his mouth. He will help us out,

Max: Oh, ... . That would be wonderful, of course.