3.2. Combinations of verbs - Unit three. Structure

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

3.2. Combinations of verbs
Unit three. Structure

Section 739; 735-737

When a verb phrase consists of more than one verb, there are certain rules about how the verbs can be combined. There are four basic verb combinations:

A - modal - a modal auxiliary followed by a verb in the infinitive;

B - perfect - a form of have followed by a verb in the -ed participle form;

C - progressive - a form of be followed by a verb in the -ing form;

D - passive - a form of be followed by a verb in the -ed participle form.

Task one *

Put the verbs and adverbials in the correct order in the verb phrases below.

1. I do can nothing for you.

2. I have been could here before, but I don’t remember.

3. They never going are to tell him the truth about the accident. It’s too terrible.

4. That house built must been have at the end of the nineteenth century.

5. The work completed is being as we speak.

6. He working been has on that project for two years now.

7. She already seen has the film.

8. Surely he be can’t going to waste all that money on a car he never uses.

9. They have might gone to the meeting. I just don’t know.

10. That made hasn’t things difficult for you, has it?

Task two **

In the story below, the verb phrases have been omitted. Complete the story, by putting one of the verb phrases here as indicated by the alphabetical order shown where the verbs should be. couldn’t believe; couldn’t do; had been intending; had been locked away; had been losing; had been made; had lost; hadn’t arrived; hadn’t done; must have got up; should have remembered; was only just getting; were still locked; would only be opened

I ... (1 - A+B) ... very early that morning because the morning newspaper ... (2 - B) ..., and, when I left the house, it ... (3 - C) ... light. I ... (4 - B+C) ... to get to work early for some time as I had a large backlog of work to catch up with. The night security guard ... (5 - A) ... it when I arrived and the doors ... (6 - D) ... He let me into my office. I was ready for work. Now came the problem. I ... (7 - A+B) ...! The files I wanted ... (8 - B+D) ... for security reasons. The room where they were ... (9 - A+D) ... when the day-time security guard came on duty at 8.30. Arrangements ... (10 - B+D) ... beforehand. In the past weeks, I ... (11 - B+C) ... sleep because I ... (12 - B) ... the work. Now I ... (13 - B) ... sleep because I wanted to do the work, but ... (14 - A) ... .