6.5. Adjective patterns with a to-infinitive - Unit six. Adjectives

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

6.5. Adjective patterns with a to-infinitive
Unit six. Adjectives

Section 439

There are at least four different types of adjectives which have a construction with to-infinitive:

(i) She’s wrong to say a thing like that. (= It’s wrong of her to say a thing like that.)

(ii) Such people are hard to find nowadays. (= It’s hard to find such people nowadays.)

(iii) I was delighted to make that personal contact. (= It made me delighted to make that contact.)

(iv) Many dealers were quick to buy the new shares. (= Many dealers quickly bought the new shares.)

Some adjectives do not belong to any of these four types:

(v) I might be able to afford it.

Task one **

Paraphrase the following sentences by turning the adjective patterns with a to-infinitive into alternative structures.

1. The doctor was slow to realize the seriousness of his patient’s condition.

2. Susan was wise to ditch her boyfriend.

3. Manual typewriters are almost impossible to come by these days.

4. The Queen was astonished to see so many well-wishers.

5. Such vicious attacks are likely to recur in the next few months.

6. Sixteen-year-olds can be very pleasant to teach.

7. The 6 o’clock plane for Tokyo is certain to arrive on time.

8. You were foolish to accept a bribe from that man.

9. Some species of fish are increasingly hard to catch.

10. The couple next door were relieved to get news from their son.

11. Bob was clever to write a letter of apology to the headmaster.

12. I was happy to be invited to the Prime Minister’s birthday party.

Task two **

Arrange the above adjectives in groups according to type, adding to each group one synonym OR antonym of your own which patterns in the same way.