7.3. Time-when 1 - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.3. Time-when 1
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 151-155; 455-456

Time-when is often expressed by adverbials having end-position.

The commonest type of adverbial is the prepositional phrase, used especially to refer to points and periods of time:

at 6.30 p.m.; at noon (= clock-time)

on Sunday; (on) the next day (= day periods)

in/during the morning; in/during April (= shorter or longer than day periods)

between 1990 and 2000 (= periods with clearly defined limits)

by night; by day (= idioms).

Noun phrases and adverbs are used in adverbials such as:

• last Saturday; this year; yesterday; tomorrow.

Task one *

Add time-when adverbials to the sentences below, giving them end-position and using the most appropriate connecting preposition where necessary.

1. Western society changed profoundly. (the 1960s)

2. British-born actor Sir Alec Guinness died. (2000; 5 August)

3. Two people were killed in an accident on the nearby motorway. (last Friday)

4. A system of voluntary schools developed. (the 19th century)

5. Have you ever visited Paris? (night)

6. I heard the clock strike twelve. (midnight)

7. People tend to spend less money. (a recession)

8. We are leaving for the Seychelles. (next week)

9. The inter-city bound for Bristol was derailed. (10.54 a.m.)

10. Most schools are open again. (early autumn)

11. The operation is due to take place. (Tuesday morning)

12. World War One ended. (1918; 11 a.m.; 11 November)

Task two **

Complete the following sentences by adding time-when adverbials at the end. Use a variety of adverbials.

1. I was born ...

2. I went to school for the first time ...

3. The last time I was abroad was ...

4. The happiest time in my life was ...

5. I usually get up … and go to bed ...

6. I’m in the right mood for working ...

7. I often feel frightened ...

8. I can relax best ...

9. I intend to visit my dentist ...

10. I would like to go on holiday ...

Task three **

Complete the following sentences, using the most appropriate of the time-when adverbials listed below. Any missing prepositions are still to be added.


1. The midnight sun is shining brightly when I climb into a bunk ..., and equally brightly when I wake ... .

2. I ask Jack if the snow ever disappears.

’Oh yes,’ he assures me, ’it melts ... . And starts snowing ...

3. Roald Amundsen’s airship Norge left Ny Alesund ... and landed in North America ..., after a journey of over 3000 miles. ... Amundsen died in the Arctic attempting to rescue his friend Nobile.

4. I stumble outside clutching my toothbrush (...). ... Harald is off the phone and preparing coffee. ..., he tells me, he will be celebrating fifteen years at Kap Wik.

(adapted from Michael Palin, Pole to Pole, pp. 4-12)