7.6. Frequency - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.6. Frequency
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 166-169; 458

Frequency, both indefinite and definite, is expressed by adverbials, which normally occur in mid- and end-position respectively.

• Most indefinite frequency adverbials are adverbs, ranging in meaning from an upper to a lower limit of frequency:

- We always/sometimes/never drink wine.

- We eat meat on numerous/some/few occasions.

Definite frequency adverbials usually take one of the following (equivalent) forms:

- I visit the local bar once a week/every week/weekly.

Task one **

Replace the expressions of frequency in the following sentences by alternative adverbials having more

or less the same meaning.

1. I’ve met this famous comedian several times.

2. I used to see Mum every two days.

3. Even hardened soldiers sometimes become sentimental.

4. I go to the sauna once a month.

5. I’ve been to the United States many times.

6. Our neighbours have a barbecue most weekends.

7. Mr Sweethome travels abroad on very few occasions.

8. Some people go for a walk every day of the year.

9. We usually have breakfast at 7.30.

10. My elder brother is almost never at home.

11. I borrow books from the library every other week.

12. Bossy people are often difficult to communicate with.

Task two ***

Complete the following sentences by adding a frequency adverbial which makes sense in the context.

Example: Labour delegates meet at their party conference.

Labour delegates meet annually at their party conference.

Labour delegates meet at their party conference once a year.

1. True vegetarians eat meat.

2. A footballer performing a hat-trick is a player who scores.

3. Gypsies are people who are on the move.

4. Bill Clinton was elected President of the United States.

5. Drunk-driving is a serious offence.

6. The Olympic Games take place.

7. Even the best actors forget their lines.

8. A bimonthly journal is published.

9. Most adults go to bed between 10 p.m. and midnight.

10. Astronauts have orbited our planet.

11. People aged over 100 live on their own.

12. Commuters travel to work.