7.10. Various positions - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.10. Various positions
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 184-186

Position is a relation between two objects and can be indicated by a range of prepositions, including the following pairs: in front of ~ behind; above ~ below; over ~ under; on top of ~ underneath.

The prepositions by and beside can be synonymous with at the side of or near. Other sets of prepositions which are related in meaning are [a] between, among and amid, and [b] about and (a)round. The preposition opposite means facing.

There are corresponding prepositional adverbs which are identical or related in form: in front ~ behind; above ~ below; overhead ~ beneath; on top ~ underneath.

Task one ***

Complete the following sentences, using a phrase beginning with one of the above prepositions.

Example: Secret meetings normally take place …

Secret meetings normally take place behind closed doors.

1. An eyebrow is a line of hair ...

2. A basement is a room or area ...

3. If you want to get warm again, just sit ...

4. A national border is a dividing line ...

5. Nobody could see the bullet-proof vest the officer was wearing ...

6. The passage was so narrow that the candidates had to line up and stand ...

7. If you do not know the itinerary, just follow the vehicle ...

8. A party of tourists accompanied by a guide would tend to trail ... after some time.

9. When somebody lives right across the street, they occupy the house ...

10. When you are surrounded by professionals doing the same work, you are ...

11. When a town is besieged, there are enemy soldiers all ...

12. When piling up things, you normally put the last object ...

Task two **

Add the most appropriate prepositional adverb where necessary, using each adverb just once:


1. Most of the divers had resurfaced but one or two were still trapped.

2. During the occupation of the area only the old and sick stayed.

3. Dozens of B-52s and other warplanes were flying that morning.

4. Young children travelling in cars are not normally allowed to sit.

5. I was awakened by a persistent stamping of feet produced by the people living.

6. Before putting the pizza in the oven just sprinkle some Parmesan.

7. The man sitting leaned forward and suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders.

8. I lifted the carpet to find out what had been hidden.

9. Hours after the tragedy groups of relatives and friends were still standing.

10. On this side of the road are several detached houses, with a few remaining plots of land.