7.12. Space and motion - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.12. Space and motion
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 190-192

The meanings of space and motion can be combined in various ways:

viewpoint (speaker’s position) often expressed by prepositional phrases used as post-modifiers: the town beyond the lake, the garage past the stadium

place meaning resulting from motion: The horses are over the fence.

pervasive meaning: all over/through the building/throughout Germany.

Place prepositions are often used in more abstract, metaphorical senses: out of danger, under suspicion, over ten miles, beyond recognition, etc.

Most place prepositions correspond in form and meaning to prepositional adverbs: We stopped the bus and got off. Some prepositional adverbs have special uses: They travelled on.

Task one **

Replace all of the underlined part by the most appropriate preposition in sentences 1-7. Use alternative expressions in sentences 8-10.

Examples: One suspect was seen in the vicinity of the water tower.

One suspect was seen near the water tower.

Two burglars had already got into the vault.

Two burglars were already inside the vault.

1. Who is the man standing on that ladder?

2. Jane was phoning a woman who lived on the other side of the Atlantic.

3. It would be nice to see the vineyards on the other side of those hills.

4. I could just make out the shed which was partly hidden by the shrubs.

5. The petrol station is just at the bottom of the road.

6. You can get a beer at the pub when you turn the corner.

7. Hurricane Hugo caused extensive damage in all the countries of Central America.

8. There was a strong police presence in every single place.

9. Some of the terrorists have left the country already.

10. Susan will have left home for good next week.

Task two **

Complete the following sentences, using one of the prepositions listed below:


1. Don’t criticize the PM: his behaviour was ... reproach.

2. It is morally indefensible to drive ... the influence.

3. Whoever was ... the bombing should get a life sentence.

4. Sadly, education in some developing countries is still ... standard.

5. I looked up all the unfamiliar words ... curiosity.

6. Susan’s silly remarks made me fly ... a temper.

7. We should aim for some uniformity and therefore work ... the same lines.

8. Ms Owen may be ... her prime but she is still very attractive.

9. After all his recent successes Basil felt ... the world.

10. Essential duties were neglected ... all the confusion.

11. Some people were so angry that they lost control ... their feelings.

12. Tristan considered such a menial job ... his dignity.

Task three ***

Replace the verb and its object by an alternative verb followed by a prepositional adverb.

Example: The strikers left the workplace.

The strikers walked out.

1. We all entered the house.

2. Our yacht crossed the lake.

3. The truck left the car park.

4. A stranger approached me all of a sudden.

5. Several people left their flats to live somewhere else.

6. We continued our cycle tour.

7. Richard paid a casual visit this afternoon.

8. The couple ended their relationship after ten years of marriage.