7.13. Distance - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.13. Distance
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Section 193

Distance can be expressed by noun phrases of measure such as a foot and a long way. These phrases can modify a verb of motion (He ran several kilometres) or precede and modify an adverbial of place (they live a long way away).

Task **

Complete the following sentences by adding the most appropriate noun phrase:


1. My parents live near Manchester and my sisters in Canada, which is ... .

2. Most aeroplanes can fly ... without needing to refuel.

3. The newsagent’s is further down the road, ... .

4. From the summit of Mont Blanc, I gazed into the valley ... .

5. Last summer I cycled ... in ten days.

6. I had been walking uphill only ... when I was already out of breath.

7. Two bullets perforated the windscreen of my car, ... .

8. A kite was flying ... .

9. The explosion at the steel works could be heard ... .

10. Water levels have dropped ... since it stopped raining.