7.15. Prepositions (general) - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.15. Prepositions (general)
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 657-660

Task one **

Complete the paragraph below by putting in the appropriate preposition.

Sir Ranulph Fiennes is described ... (1) ... the Guinness Book of Records as “the world’s greatest living explorer”. Born ... (2) ... 1944 and educated ... (3) ... Eton, he served ... (4) ... the SAS ... (5) ... embarking ... (6) ... a series ... (7) ... record-breaking Arctic, Antarctic and desert explorations ... (8) ... 1979 and 1982 he and fellow explorer Charles Burton became the first men to reach both Poles and circumnavigate the Earth ... (9) ... its polar axis. ... (10) ... 1986 he broke the record (11) ... getting ... (12) the North Pole unsupported ... (13) ... 1993 he achieved the first unsupported crossing (14) the Antarctic, the longest such polar journey ... (15) ... history, 1,345 miles. A year ago he attempted the first unassisted polar trek ... (16) ... the North Pole, abandoned when his sledge slid ... (17) ... the Arctic Ocean. Frostbite cost him a thumb and the tops of four fingers. Sir Ranulph’s adventures have raised more than £6 million ... (18) ... charity. After writing several books ... (19) ... them, he has now published his first thriller. ... (20) ... his wife ... (21) ... 31 years, Virginia, he runs a Somerset farm ... (22) ... 100 sheep and 200 Aberdeen Angus cattle ... (23) ... there, this flamboyant hero told us... (24) ... his own special hero.

(from SAGA Magazine, February 2002, p. 45)

Task two **

In the sentences below state whether the words underlined are prepositions (P) or prepositional adverbs (PA).

1. These are the books I paid for. Not those.

2. We’ll walk down.

3. It was a very steep hill and we had to climb up. There was no other way.

4. Don’t stand too near!

5. Should I put more salt in?

6. I looked up and there he was.

7. Which shop did you go into?

8. I don’t know what he’s looking for.

9. It didn’t look a very interesting town. We just drove through.

10. He’s not someone I’d work with.