7.20. Other aspects of degree adverbs - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.20. Other aspects of degree adverbs
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 222-223

Words like new and full can be used as scale words and as limit words (very/absolutely new).

A scale word and a different limit word can deal with the same area of meaning (very tired vs absolutely exhausted).

A scale word often corresponds to one or more limit words, intensifying its meaning (very bad vs absolutely terrible).

Words like barely and hardly are negative degree adverbs, while at all occurs in both negative and interrogative sentences. Some degree adverbs tend to intensify specific verbs (need badly, enjoy thoroughly).

Task one ***

Intensify the meaning of the underlined phrases by replacing them with limit words preceded by matching degree adverbs.

Example: The late evening programme was quite funny.

The late evening programme was absolutely hilarious.

1. Some of these 19th century stamps are very rare.

2. After such a long walk we were all really hungry.

3. The health situation in the flooded areas was very bad.

4. All that unfair criticism made me feel quite irritated.

5. Robust economic growth is somewhat unlikely.

6. The latest novel by Tom Wolfe is rather interesting.

7. The results of the investigation are quite unbelievable.

8. At a five-star restaurant the food is bound to be very good.

9. Working yourself to death like this is rather stupid.

10. The preliminary estimates turned out to be quite incorrect.

Task two **

Add to the underlined parts degree adverbs which (a) are inherently negative OR (b) intensify the meaning of the verb.

Examples: The PM is not a supporter of appeasement.

→ The PM is not a supporter of appeasement at all.

We all want to see the surviving sailors.

→ We all want to see the surviving sailors (very) badly.

An old ruler was complaining that he was not loved by his subjects. However he tried to convince them of HIS love for THEM, it was all to no avail. The old man failed to realize that people disapproved of the way he managed the finances of the realm.

Years of excessive spending had left his country with no money. Endless military campaigns had been draining it of funds needed elsewhere.

Was it possible to make the ruler change his policies? It seemed so. Even though his subjects wanted reform, he disagreed with even the suggestion of change.