7.22. Sentence adverbials - Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

7.22. Sentence adverbials
Unit seven. Adverbs, adverbials and prepositions

Sections 461-463

Sentence adverbials are not integrated in the structure of the sentence but are peripheral to it. They also have a wide variety of possible structures, ranging from simple adverb to finite subclause. Most sentence adverbials occur in front-position and are separated from what follows by a tone unit boundary.

Some sentence adverbials convey speakers’ comments on what they are saying:

- Frankly / If I may be frank, this isn’t good enough.

Other sentence adverbials have a connective role:

- The team didn’t like the food. However, they have not complained so far.

Task one *

Add a sentence adverbial corresponding in meaning to the expression in brackets.

1. Tracy forgot to lock the front door.

(this was very odd)

2. What Sam told us is a pack of lies.

(this is clear)

3. I haven’t got the faintest idea why she rebuffed you.

(I want to be frank about it)

4. Harry will have second thoughts about this.

(I hope he will)

5. I would say only a trained diver could reach the wreck.

(I want to speak as an expert)

6. The evidence we’ve got is not convincing.

(I have to admit this)

7. Some spectators turned up after the game had started.

(this was unfortunate)

8. I’ve never intended to hurt Maggy’s feelings.

(I want to be honest with you)

9. Dennis jilted his girlfriend for a much older woman.

(this really surprised us)

10. Lady Tattle was monopolizing the conversation again.

(this was characteristic)

11. Many more people will be killed in the operations.

(this cannot be doubted)

12. The white powder looks quite harmless.

(on the surface of it)

Task two **

Connect the following pairs of sentences by adding one of the adverbials below to the second sentence of each pair:


1. The Prime Minister is suffering from a hernia. He will not be able to attend the European summit.

2. The peace process is in deep trouble. The various parties involved are prepared to continue their efforts.

3. Nursery education has been transferred to community colleges. Teacher training has been shifted to colleges and universities.

4. We could travel by train. We could travel by plane.

5. I did not feel put off by this unexpected confrontation. I was already looking forward to the next challenge.

6. We are not going to buy a sunbed as it is too expensive. Someone told me UV-radiation can cause skin cancer.

7. I think we should show some more understanding for Susan’s behaviour. She’s been through a lot lately.

8. Is there a cheaper solution? Can you make a cheaper device?

9. Don’t forget to tell the boss. You will get into a lot of trouble.

10. The suspect did not answer any of my questions. He kept staring into the distance.