9.2. ‘General purpose’ links - Unit nine. Linking

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

9.2. ‘General purpose’ links
Unit nine. Linking

Sections 371-374; 110-111; 493-494; 686-694

In addition to a positive link between two ideas expressed by ’and’, there are other vague or ’general purpose’ connections:

• relative clauses

• participle and verbless clauses

• grammatically unlinked clauses

Task one **

Identify the restrictive and non-restrictive clauses by re-writing them to show their connecting function.

Insert commas where appropriate.

1. They won’t finish the work today and that causes a problem.

2. I don’t like mobile phones that have a musical repetitive tone.

3. He was always late and that lost him his job.

4. Be sure to buy a savings bond that gives you a good return on your investment.

5. The books that were badly stacked fell across the floor.

6. They have problems with their neighbours who are very noisy.

7. Many people who found themselves always playing ’Solitaire’ on their computer have had the game removed.

8. People shouldn’t ski off-piste which is dangerous.

9. The arrangements for the conference which were very bad angered him.

10. He fell madly in love with Barbara who was directing the play.

Task two **

Match the unlinked clauses in columns I and II, and identify the connecting function.


Task three **

Rewrite the following text changing the underlined clauses into participle or verbless clauses.

As he knew it was time to go, Rob finally got his things together. He didn’t want to leave, so he had left tidying up to the last minute. Now it was empty of all his books and papers, the office seemed quite large. Just by looking round the room, he recalled the thrill of the first time he had walked in. He had felt proud and determined to succeed in this new position. If he had been seen to be a keen and co­operative worker, he would have had further promotion. But because he didn’t understand the corporate culture, he tried to do everything to promote himself above his colleagues. They grew tired of this and made his work difficult. He was soon failing to get things done on time, so he was asked to reconsider his position. He knew there was nothing he could do, so he resigned.