9.6. Omission with non-finite and verbless clauses - Unit nine. Linking

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

9.6. Omission with non-finite and verbless clauses
Unit nine. Linking

Sections 392-394; 493-494

Non-finite and verbless clauses have no operator (the first auxiliary of a verb phrase) and often no conjunction or subject. They are more economical than finite subclauses and avoid repetition. They are more favoured in formal and written styles of English.

Task one **

Rewrite the underlined clauses using non-finite or verbless clauses.

1. This man, who was well-known to me, caused all the problems in the department.

2. I expect that I shall see you while I’m in London.

3. Next month is the time when you should visit Italy.

4. As he was a born leader, James soon attracted the attention of the company management.

5. He had retired from the army and so gave up his title of General.

6. He doubted that she would come and made plans to go with another woman.

7. I know how you have behaved in the past; so I cannot accept you as a member of the group.

8. Ian had thought he would see a film that evening.

9. He was given so much time; he should have completed the work.

10. Please get me a taxi. I’ve drunk so much I mustn’t drive my car tonight.

Task two **

Rewrite the following sentences, using non-finite or verbless clauses but, where possible, keeping the subordinators.

1. While Tom knew Maria had cheated in the exam, he, nonetheless, congratulated her warmly.

2. As he was going to Sweden for his job, he decided to wait until he was there before he bought a new winter coat.

3. Since I’ve lived here, I’ve not made any real friends.

4. Whether he was rich or poor, Joe always organised a good party on his birthday.

5. After Mary had read the best-seller about an old woman, she felt she was able to cope with old age.

6. When he met her after several years, he felt very sorry they had not become close friends.

7. After he had retired, he lived in Tasmania.

8. Since I don’t know the way, I’d rather you drove.

9. Since he has known the truth about them, he has become very wary of them.

10. Though they were unsuccessful in their last business, they are determined to start again.