12.2. Exception - Unit twelve. Addition, exception and restriction

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

12.2. Exception
Unit twelve. Addition, exception and restriction

Section 236

Exception is the opposite of addition and can be expressed by

prepositions: except (for), apart from, bar, but

the conjunction except (that)

adverbs of exception: otherwise, else; even (= negative adverb of exception)

Task **

Complete the following sentences, using each of the connecting words or phrases below at least once:

apart from






except for

except that


1. I have a bit of a headache, but ... I’m fine.

2. Our turnover is expected to increase considerably this year ... any unforeseen events.

3. The weather was mild last winter ... one cold spell in January.

4. Mumbai proves to be India’s capital in everything ... name.

5. ... English, what language will be most important in the global market place?

6. There were no further details ... the 15-year-old was released on bail.

7. We spent the next few days playing games and partying and not much ... .

8. Do not call the fire department ... in case of an emergency.

9. I didn’t keep any of my books, not ... my dictionaries.

10. ... diaries or personal journals, most writing is intended for one or more readers.

11. Some of the paint has gone but ... the woodwork is in good condition.

12. ... vets, who ... can treat an animal?