14.2. Post-modifiers - Unit fourteen. Modifying

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

14.2. Post-modifiers
Unit fourteen. Modifying

Sections 641-649; 70; 106; 110; 128; 132; 151; 170; 194; 198; 392; 443; 470; 531; 589; 593; 596; 654; 686-687; 728; 740

Modifiers after the noun head are called post-modifiers. There are several types of post-modifiers:

• relative clauses

• prepositional phrases

• non-finite clauses equivalent to relative clauses

• appositive clauses

• clauses of time, place, manner and reason

• adverbs

• adjectives.

In addition two or more modifiers can modify the same noun.

Task one ***

Join the pairs of sentences and define the type of post-modifier.

1. I’ll always remember that moment. The lawyer realised he’d lost the case.

2. What you wrote in that article about the new laws offended people. The people had fought hard for changes in the law.

3. You don’t have to go there. There’s no reason.

4. We have to do it this way. There is no other way.

5. It’s next to the old building. They’re going to pull down the old building.

6. The doctor will have time. He can see you.

7. I’ll do it sometime next week. I’ll be free then.

8. There is just one reason. He should not be allowed to go.

9. That’s the best play. If you want to see something good.

10. That was not the right time. You should not have done it then.

Task two **

Rewrite the relative clauses and rewrite them as other types of post-modifiers.

1. I shall be detailing the plans in a paper which I’ll distribute next week.

2. Everyone who worked in that department was angered by the proposal.

3. The couple who live next door both work in the Social Studies department.

4. All those who are wary of walking too close to the edge of the cliff should stay near the leader.

5. Hillary and Tensing were the first men who got to the top of Everest.

6. I have nothing which I have to do this afternoon.

7. People in the train that was delayed for three hours were given a full refund for the ticket.

8. There is no more which anyone can do.

9. I have nothing which I want to say.

10. The train which goes to London will leave from platform 4.