15.6. Permission and obligation - Unit fifteen. Modality

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

15.6. Permission and obligation
Unit fifteen. Modality

Sections 325-329; 483

The tasks below examine ways of expressing:





Task one **

Identify the meanings expressed in the following sentences by completing the chart below.

1. If you were a member, you could get in free.

2. Could I take my holiday at the end of August?

3. You must return those books by the end of the week.

4. Children under fourteen should have parental permission to see this film.

5. If he’s the leader, he should know the way.

6. You mustn’t walk on the grass.

7. You can’t park there.

8. Can I stay overnight? It’s too late to drive back now and I’ve drunk too much.

9. If you have a season ticket, you don’t need to book a seat in advance.

10. But you can’t go that day. It’s Joan’s 60th birthday party.



Task two **

Below are the rules for a Karate Club. Show what meaning is expressed in each rule with the appropriate letter.

A Permission, B Hypothetical permission, C Obligation, D Hypothetical obligation, E Exemption, F Prohibition

This club is dedicated to the high performance of karate

1. All members must regularly satisfy the committee that they have maintained the standard they achieved at the previous supervision.

2. Any member failing to do so will not be allowed to continue without further training.

3. Members who agree to a prolonged period of supervision will not need to undergo further training, unless there is sign of improvement.

4. Members may decide what they prefer to do.

5. The annual two supervisions must be completed within twelve months of the second supervision in the previous year.

6. If the member of the committee is deemed to be unsympathetic, members do not have to submit themselves for supervision at that time.

7. Such a refusal must be submitted in writing one week before the supervision.

8. Members can appeal against the result of supervision.

9. Members don’t have to undergo periods of supervision, if they are seeking advice from a personal trainer.

10. Members must not challenge other members who have not reached the same standard.

11. Each member will carry at all times the card showing the standard he/she has achieved.

12. This card must be seen by an opponent before a challenge is accepted.

Task three **

You are writing to a friend who is looking for a job as an assistant teacher in Britain. Tell him/her how to do it and how to get the best out of his/her time here. Use the sentence topics in the function boxes below and find an appropriate modal verb to express the function required. Pay attention to the construction of the whole sentence.

Example: in my opinion - spend some time in Britain - improve your English (obligation)

Answer: In my opinion, you must spend some time if Britain if you want to improve your English.

1. write to head teacher of a school at once. (obligation)

2. pay your travelling costs to Britain. (obligation)

3. register with the police. (exemption)

4. take no disciplinary action yourself - unruly pupils. (prohibition)

5. take your car to Britain if you want. (permission)

6. contact anyone you know who has done this before. (permission)

7. arrive in Britain at least three weeks before the beginning of the term. (obligation)

8. live more than four miles from the school. (prohibition)

9. attend any special induction courses. (exemption)

10. take pupils out of school without special permission. (prohibition)