15.7. Influencing People 1 - Unit fifteen. Modality

The Communicative Grammar of English Workbook - Edward Woods, Rudy Coppieters 2002

15.7. Influencing People 1
Unit fifteen. Modality

Sections 330-335 & 339; 417

The tasks below examine ways of expressing:






Promises Threats

Task one **

1. Choose what kind of communication the following utterances are.

a) command; b) request; c) advice; d) suggestion; e) warning; f) promise; g) threat; h) invitation

2. Indicate where the important stress is.

1. I wonder if I could join you for lunch.

2. Please stop doing that.

3. Won’t you sit down?

4. You stay at home and do your homework.

5. You ought to get out more.

6. How about going to see the new exhibition at the Royal Academy?

7. Careful!

8. I’ll be sure to put it in the post for you tomorrow morning.

9. You come here again and you’ll regret it.

10. Hands up or I shoot!

Task two **

Complete the utterances below by adding a word sequence to make each the form of communication

shown at the end of the item.

1. ... It’s a very slippery surface. (warning)

2. I want the money by Thursday ... (threat)

3. ... let me have a small advance until the end of the month. (polite request)

4. ... be back here by eight o’clock. (command)

5. ... possibly postpone the meeting until early in the New Year. (request)

6. ... It’s a very popular play. (advice)

7 . I’ll be there ... (promise)

8 ... on Monday instead of tonight? (suggestion)

9 ... a good holiday. (advice)

10 ... me for a good night out. (invitation)

Task three **

Complete the dialogues in the situations below with the various forms of communication stated.


A: This is a very good room.

B: Yes. It’s good for my work here.

A: Work a lot do you?

B: At home, yes. I’m quite busy now.

A: That must be nice. Working at home.

B: Yes.

A: But you’re busy. I mustn’t bother you.

B: No.

A: There is just one thing.

B: I am very busy. ...

B wants A to leave. Write

a) a request

b) a command (be careful not to be rude)

c) a suggestion


A: The government isn’t going to allow you to testify.

B: I have important things to say.

A: You mustn’t say them.

B: Why not? In a democracy, you’re free to say anything.

A: The government isn’t happy.

B: Is that important?

A: ...

A doesn’t want B to testify. Write

a) a request

b) a prohibition (be careful not to be rude)

c) a suggestion

d) some advice

e) a threat

f) a warning


Mother: The river’s very deep here.

Child: Please can I go for a swim. I won’t go far.

Mother: All right. But remember ...

The mother tells the child to be careful. Write

a) a warning

b) a weakened command

c) some advice


A is discussing plans to build a double garage with his next-door neighbour.

A: Those bricks for us to build a garage are coming today.

B: How many will there be?

A: I don’t know. I just gave them the measurements for my part and your part.

B: I don’t want them in my garden.

A: Does anybody? But some are for you. We don’t want to upset the other neighbours.

B: No. But - A ...

A insists B accepts some of the bricks. Write

a) a warning

b) a suggestion

c) some advice d) a request.