
English grammar - Roger Berry 2012


The author and publisher wish to thank all mentioned below for permission to reproduce copyright materials.

While every effort has been made to find the copyright holders of materials used in this volume, the publishers would be happy to hear from any they have been unable to contact and will make any necessary amendment at the earliest opportunity.

Michael Swan, 2005, ’What is grammar for?’, Chapter 1, in OILS: Grammar, Oxford:

Oxford University Press, pp. 4-7. © Oxford University Press. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press.

David Lee, 2001, ’Count and mass nouns.’ Chapter 8 in Cognitive Linguistics. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp. 137-145. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press Australia. © Oxford University Press,

Roger Berry, 1998, ’Determiners: a class apart?’ In English Today, 14/1, pp. 27-34. © Cambridge University Press, reproduced with permission.

David Lee, 2001, ’Space.’ Chapter 2 in Cognitive Linguistics. South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, pp. 18-24. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press Australia. © Oxford University Press,

Michael Lewis, 1986, ’Future time - a summary’. Chapter 17 in The English Verb.

Hove: Language Teaching Publications, pp. 139-146.

Carter and McCarthy, 2006, ’Hedging and Boosting’ from Cambridge Grammar of English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 279-284.

John Sinclair, 2001, ’Words and Phrases’, Chapter 5 in Corpus, Concordance, Colloca­tion, pp. 67-79. Oxford: Oxford University Press. © Oxford University Press. Reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press.

Lynn M. Berk, 1999, Section on ’Semantic roles of the subject’, pp. 14-21/23 in English

Syntax: from Word to Discourse. New York: Oxford University Press.

Carter and McCarthy, 2006, The ’Chapter’ on Speech Acts, Cambridge Grammar of

English, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 680-84.

Michael Lewis, 1986, section on Conditional Sentences, The English Verb, pp. 148-150, Hove: Language Teaching Publications.

Dave Willis, 1994, the section on The Second Conditional, pages 59-60 of ’The

Lexical Approach’, in M. Bygate, A. Tonkyn and E. Williams, Grammar and the Language Teacher, Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall International.

Michael Halliday, 2004, Section 2.6 on Subject, Actor, Theme, pages 53 and 55-58 in

An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 3rd edition, London: Arnold. Reproduced by permission of Hodder Education.

Ann Hewings and Caroline Coffin, 2004, ’Grammar in the Construction of Online Discussion Messages’ (pp. 137-43 only), in Applying English Grammar, Caroline Coffin, Ann Hewings and Kieran O’Halloran (eds.), London: Arnold. Reproduced by permission of Hodder Education.

The publishers and author would also like to thank the following for their assistance in the reviewing process: Crayton Walker, Juan Santana Lario, Maria Sanz Casares, Zhiming Bao, Jonathan White, Maria Estling Vannestal, Marina Kolokonte, Keith Taylor, Jackie Lee, Marta Carretero, Magnus Levin, Goran Wolf as well as other anonymous reviewers.

The author would like to express his gratitude to Lingnan University for the leave granted to him for the writing of this book.