A12.1 Variety in English - A12 Grammar in speech and writing - Section A. Introduction

English grammar - Roger Berry 2012

A12.1 Variety in English
A12 Grammar in speech and writing
Section A. Introduction

So far in this book grammar (and the English language) has generally been treated as a uniform phenomenon, as ’one size fits all’. Occasionally some indication has been given that there is variation, for instance:

□ between different dialects of English, for example, British and American forms e.g. I have already seen it vs I already saw it

□ between formal and informal forms (or rather formal and non-formal forms) e.g. To whom am I talking? vs Who am I talking to?

□ between ’correct’ forms and forms that are considered by some to be incorrect e.g. Students have fewer chances of finding work nowadays.

Students have less chances of finding work nowadays.

But there is much more variety than this.