B2.4 Other pronouns - B2 Pronouns - Section B Development

English grammar - Roger Berry 2012

B2.4 Other pronouns
B2 Pronouns
Section B Development

There are a number of other important groups of pronouns:

□ reciprocal pronouns, which indicate a mutual relationship between subject and object: each other, one another

They hate each other.

□ relative pronouns: who, whom, (whose), which, that, ’zero’

That’s the man who stole my bike.

These are discussed in more detail in B10 under relative clauses.

□ interrogative pronouns, used in asking questions: who, whom, (whose), which, what Who is responsible for this?

These are discussed in more detail in B9.

□ demonstrative pronouns: this, that, these, those (see B3 on determiners)

That’s enough!

□ indefinite pronouns, including quantifiers, e.g. all, both, some, many, few, a few (see B3 on determiners), and combinations of every, some, any, no and one, body, thing (all written as one word except no one):

Everyone will come